President Trump Leaves The White House For The Last Time

At 0800ET on Wednesday, President Trump is set to leave the White House for the final time. The Bible Prophesies the Following: Demonic forces have taken over America, and our nation will never recover… the nation of Israel will be re-established (it has), the Church will grow lukewarm (it is), there will be global pandemics (worse than Covid), persecution of Christians (lockdowns, pastors arrested, churches fined), global economic problems (trillion-dollar stimulus packages, the economy of many nations near collapse), global famine (unemployment and hunger are spreading), gross immorality and abominations to God (abortion, LGBTQ, etc.), deceit will increase (censorship, lying, etc.), the technology to track all buying and selling (coming on the scene now), the elimination of cash (digital currencies are now going into use), the arrival of 10 kings in the world (this could be approved at “The Great…

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