News blackout on refugee boys who sexually assaulted Idaho girl

Twin Falls County Prosecutor Grant Loebs went on a media blitz some say bordered on a propaganda campaign for refugee resettlement following the sexual assault of a young girl in June 2016 by boys from Sudan and Iraq. It’s as if it never happened. A judge sentenced three Muslim refugee boys in the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in Idaho, but nobody knows the length or terms of the sentence because the judge has barred everyone in the courtroom, including the victim’s own parents, from speaking about the case. The three boys — two from Iraq ages 7 and 10, and one from Sudan aged 14 — pleaded guilty in juvenile court in April to multiple counts of sex crimes in an incident that occurred last June in Twin Falls. The assault occurred at Fawnbrook Apartments, when 5-year-old Jayla,…

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Pamela Geller: Idaho Muslim Migrants who raped 5-year-old plead guilty, no jail time

**Plead guilty, no jail time, travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete** By Pamela Geller [![](]( News blackout on refugee boys who sexually assaulted Idaho girl,”outrage “Please Help This Little Girl The travesty of justice in Idaho is now complete. In the summer of 2016, a 5-year-old girl was orally and anally raped and urinated upon by three Muslim migrant boys in Twin Falls, Idaho. Since then, instead of getting justice, the victim’s family has been abused by law enforcement and governing authorities as if they were the criminals – because what happened to their little girl contradicts the politically correct narrative about Muslim migrants. On Tuesday, the perpetrators were sentenced, and the final injustice was done to this poor girl. The injustice began in the proceedings at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls when Judge…

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Unhinged Left, seems so detached from reality, most of the millennial’s are the problem.. Like many Americans, I’ve watch the bizarre anti-Trump “women’s march” events and wildly dishonest media coverage over the last few days with a sense of amusement. What’s remarkable about everything being voiced by the unhinged left these days is that none of it has any basis in fact or reason. The “war on women” doesn’t exist. The “KKK influence” that CNN claims has taken over the White House is an absolute hoax. The “Russian takeover” of the U.S. government that has been ridiculously claimed by the Washington Post is complete fiction. On one issue after another, every fear whipped up by the insane left turns out to be nothing more than sheer delusion. So why are they so angry all the time? And why are blabbering idiots like Ashley Judd and Madonna so convinced that a Trump administration means…

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Shut down the grass roots conservatives that were so helpful to Trump …

President Donald Trump may or may not have an inkling that he is the target of a color revolution but he does understand that the ongoing protests against him aren’t the result of the grass roots as falsely claimed by liberals. Trump will do doubt be ripped to shreds by the media over his pointing out that the invasions of Republican town halls are well-funded and carefully organized events. GOP members of Congress who have tried to meet with their constituents have seen their meetings hijacked by angry and often menacing mobs – a tactic historically utilized by Nazis and Communists to shut down political opposition. Trump blasted the perception that these are legitimate protests via Twitter: The so-called angry crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. Sad! — Donald J.…

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HNewsWire Broadcasts

Click on Logo StevieRay Hansen the Shepherd, analyzing the news and the mainstream media, truth is the new hate speech, journalist are not journalist, their propaganda talking heads. As long as you want to be a part of the crowd, you will not understand the truth. America is on the road to destruction and we are watching a nation ROT from the inside out. Sources for this article include: Tags Politics Tagged Under: Tags: Censorship, First Amendment, free speech, hate group, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC "You are shepherds of the flock. Shepherds protect, speak out, and defend. The Best Search Engine StevieRay Hansen YouTube Channel HNewsWire YouTube Channel StevieRay Hansen The Shepherd… This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without written permission . ©2017 ,…

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Americans don’t want their country to be Europe

Americans don’t want their country to be Europe. I know this because I lived in Europe for 11 years and there’s a huge difference between the United States and the continent we rejected 230 years ago. Americans don’t want to be weak, milk-toast democracies that are bland when it comes to promoting human rights and freedom. Americans are the most compassionate of people. But they reject the socialism of Europe, because of how it inhibits individual enterprise and accountability. True, we don’t want to be engulfed in quagmires in the Middle East. But we don’t want American credibility to sink to the bottom, either, by simply retreating from the world stage and allowing evil dictators to fill the void. Weakness will be the legacy of President Obama — a president who appeased the murderers in Iran and legitimized their nuclear…

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Facebook ,Tweeter engaged in heavy censorship of truthful news sources, VIDEO

  With the overwhelming controversy surrounding “fake news” in 2016, social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others, have decided that certain subjects in political positions have no place on their sites. Although these are private organizations, the fact that they censor opinions that are contrary to their liberal agenda is a dangerous precedence. This will continue unless we speak out or create new sites that allow for freedom of speech. Don’t dare talk about the dangers of vaccines or biotechnology on Facebook, or they ban, block and censor you Post anything that challenges the fake science behind vaccines and GMOs and Facebook will block your future posts for an indefinite period of time and remove your posts entirely from its pages. Facebook pushes the narratives of Big Pharma and Big Food by censoring important science that proves vaccines…

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VIDEO: Facebook Executive: Zuckerberg Is LYING About Exploiting Emotional Vulnerabilities ..

**Charles Benninghoff: Facebook’s CEO Zuckerberg Targets America-First Patriots as “Fake News”** Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg is now labeling conservative news sites as “fake news” and vows censorship crackdown. We’ll beat them at their own game! They want to pretend the internet is a “public utility” like water, sewer and electricity – great! Shove their own regulation down their throat, demand that Congress bust them up under antitrust laws at: America’s culture war has come flying back, front-and-center. Bill O’Reilly gets to feel right at home once again. That’s because the globalist cartels are doing everything in their considerable power to ensure that our First Amendment Freedom of Speech is a non-existent right. Plus, these socialist forces which include Facebook and Google, and other social media sites all want to make sure that Americans never have access to conservative news…

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George Soros,

On November 11, 2003, in an interview with The Washington Post, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was the “central focus of my life” and “a matter of life and death.” He said he would sacrifice his entire fortune to defeat Bush “if someone guaranteed it.”[81][82] Soros gave $3 million to the Center for American Progress, $2.5 million to, and $20 million[83] to America Coming Together. These groups worked to support Democrats in the 2004 election. On September 28, 2004, he dedicated more money to the campaign and kicked off his own multistate tour with a speech: Why We Must Not Re-elect President Bush[84] delivered at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The online transcript to this speech received many hits after Dick Cheney accidentally referred to as “” in the vice presidential debate, causing the…

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Americans do NOT want their country to be Europe, So GOD gave American Pres. Donald Trump, Your Blessed..

Americans don’t want their country to be Europe. I know this because I lived in Europe for 11 years and there’s a huge difference between the United States and the continent we rejected 230 years ago. Americans don’t want to be weak, milk-toast democracies that are bland when it comes to promoting human rights and freedom. Americans are the most compassionate of people. But they reject the socialism of Europe, because of how it inhibits individual enterprise and accountability. True, we don’t want to be engulfed in quagmires in the Middle East. But we don’t want American credibility to sink to the bottom, either, by simply retreating from the world stage and allowing evil dictators to fill the void. Weakness will be the legacy of President Obama — a president who appeased the murderers in Iran and legitimized their nuclear…

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