CCP Boldly Advertises Xinjiang as “a Thriving green City” on a Time Square Sign.


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Epoch Times Photo

Xinhua, China’s state-run news agency, is using digital billboards in one of the world’s most prized ad locations to promote Xinjiang-made goods, despite mounting international condemnation of the regime’s brutality in the area.

A enormous screen spanning about 64 feet high and 40 feet wide in Times Square in New York Metropolis continuously showed a movie by Xinhua presenting Shihezi, one of the largest cities in Xinjiang, as a thriving “green” city right before Christmas.

According to a description from a Jan. 4 press release from Xinhua Screen Media Co., the 30-second film promoted Shihezi as a “epitome” of China’s green development initiatives, with “sweet fruits, intoxicating wines, a green city image, and a happy life of people.”

In a news release, Xinhua claimed, “China’s Shihezi city delights Times Square with fruits of green development,”

The regime’s human rights violations in the region, which include the detention of an estimated 1 million Uyghurs in camps where they are subjected to torture, forced labor, and political indoctrination, stand in stark contrast to their time square propaganda.

These concerns have prompted the US and its allies to declare a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. Beijing’s effort has been labeled a genocide by the US government, numerous Western parliaments, and an independent people’s tribunal.

According to Ilshat H. Kokbore, vice head of the executive committee of the advocacy group World Uyghur Congress, presenting Shihezi as a “green city” against this backdrop is ironic. From 1988 to 2003, Kokbore worked as a college professor in Shihezi for 15 years.

He told The Epoch Times that the regime is attempting to “whitewash the genocide accusation.” With the Olympics only four weeks away, any diplomatic recognition or praise from the West would be viewed as a “success” that Beijing could utilize to strengthen its legitimacy, he explained.

According to Chinese official media, Shihezi is a military-style city controlled by the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) behind the “green” veneer. XPCC is a regional paramilitary organisation sanctioned by the US for grave human rights violations.

“The city is not friendly to anyone, not even friendly to the Han Chinese who live there,” Kokboore claimed, referring to China’s majority ethnic group. According to Chinese media reports, Shihezi is a prominent city for cotton and tomato exports.

According to Chinese media reports, Shihezi is a prominent city for cotton and tomato exports.

When Kokbore was a teacher there, he would lead roughly 50 to 70 Uyghur students to pick cotton every year during the cotton harvest season, which started around mid-September. The work was done for free. They had to stay in the cotton fields from 6 a.m. until 10 p.m. to meet their quota.

“It was called labor education for the students,” he explained.

Last January, the United States prohibited all imports of cotton and tomatoes from the region due to concerns over forced labor. Biden signed a bill prohibiting all imports from Xinjiang into law in December.

These sanctions have had a significant impact on Xinjiang, according to Kokbore, and he believes this is one of the main reasons behind Beijing’s ad blitz. With exports to the United States curtailed, his Shihezi sources warned him that the city’s government is in financial problems and is even having trouble paying civil officials’ wages in full.

Given what the world knows about the Chinese regime’s abuses against its population in Xinjiang and elsewhere, he believes this propaganda campaign will fail. The recent example of Xi’an city’s extreme lockdown in an attempt to keep COVID-19 numbers down, which has left citizens struggling to access food and basic medical treatment, according to Kokbore.

“How can anyone trust this government?” he asked. “Their own citizens cannot enjoy any freedom, and cannot when they need, even visit the doctor.”

In an effort to broaden its worldwide reach, Xinhua debuted in Times Square in 2011, using the screen to show videos that represent the regime in a positive manner.

An ad from Xinhua stated that China was leading the world in combatting the virus and appealed for unity early last year, amid mounting scrutiny over China’s apparent coverup of the outbreak’s origin. Beijing had refused to provide raw patient data for the World Health Organization’s virus origin investigation at the time.

However, the news agency, as well as other Chinese state-run media agencies, are encountering increasing mistrust in the West. Last year, the Justice Department ordered the agency to register as a foreign agent. Along with China Daily and English-language broadcaster CGTN, it is one of 15 Chinese state news sources classified as foreign missions by the US.

According to Kokbore, Americans must “say no” to China’s regime. Given Beijing’s stringent controls on the activity of American and other foreign media outlets in China, Kokbore questioned why the regime’s outlets in the US are given so much leeway. “Why should we let the Chinese media freely propagate communist ideology? It shouldn’t happen.”

The CCP’s bold move to propagate out right lies about the circumstances in Xinjiang are tantamount to the human rights abuses themselves. One could consider this a spit in the face to Americans who don’t pay any attention to politics. How many people do you think walked by that sign not knowing that they’re being shown misrepresentations of a place where in reality people are harvesting organs, and enslaving multiple groups of ethnic minorities? If you had seen that sign in time square, and had later been informed on the reality if Xinjiang’s circumstances, would that be enough to convince you to pay attention to the state of the world?

1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.”Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.



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