Christian bigotry is rife in America


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HNewsWire-Those who wave the banner of ‘love and tolerance’ become so vengeful when presented with a cogent argument that challenges the vacuity of their broken ideas.” The Opposition can’t seem to stop themselves from showing their “two-faced hypocrisy and self-refuting duplicity with their shouts of ‘I can’t tolerate your intolerance and I hate you hateful Christian people.

Aaron and Melissa Klein, who own a small family bakery called Sweet Cakes by Melissa, were fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a “wedding cake” for a homosexual couple in 2013.

Hundreds of such cases now dot the legal landscape of our country.  If law and politics are downstream from culture, the senators who were willing to impose a religious test in open defiance of the Constitution are reflecting adherence to a toxic culture.  Virulent new bigotry is coursing its way through our nation, overriding the highest law of the land.  It would seem that we are in not a post-Christian era, but a distinctly anti-Christian one.

In August 2012, a young man tried to commit mass murder at the Family Research Council.  The would-be killer was later convicted of domestic terrorism.  He told the FBI that he chose to attack the Family Research Council because the Southern Poverty Law Center had designated the FRC an anti-gay hate group.  The SPLC continues to put Christian organizations that support marriage or oppose abortion in the same category as the KKK.

This growing hatred of all things Christian is a consequence of the sexual revolution, which created the politics of promiscuity and called for a world without the God who says “no.”  As the repository for traditional sexual morality, Christianity is viewed as the mortal enemy of the “homosexual rights” movement, the abortion industry, and the new transgender insanity.

Those who were once thought of as hardworking, God-fearing people living lives of Christian decency and common sense are now slandered as “deplorable” and “extremists” by the elites of the Democratic Party and the media that enable them, it’s dangerous to wear clothing or baseball caps that proclaim you to be a Christian or showing support for Pres. Trump. There’re hundreds of examples of people being intimidated. belittled humiliated while the media cheers this behavior on.

The entertainment world, sports, colleges and universities, major corporations, government bureaucracy, and even members of the United States Senate have bought into this cultural hedonism.  There is no room for Bible-believing Christians in their new world order.

It is often said that Christianity thrives in persecution.  If so, then it may be about to see its very best days in the United States of America.  Is suffering the slap in the face that will awaken the church from its infatuation with comfort and compromise?

Anti-Christian bias and bigotry is now a reality in America. It is not — at least not yet — the violent persecution seen in other parts of the world, but there is a surely and slowly spreading religious intolerance which is paving the way for public hostility.

Some of America’s greatest leaders, including the late Billy Graham and Martin Luther King Jr., were Christian believers who impacted millions of people because of their faith. According to Joy Behar, these men, as well as every Christian since the time of Jesus, had to have been mentally ill.

To Christians, especially those in influential positions in society, this opposition should not come as a surprise. Jesus never sugar-coated the reality that his followers would be ridiculed for their faith.

“If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own,” Jesus declared to his followers. “As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you” (Jn. 15:19).

HNewsWire Radio

“It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills. Let me tell you something, friend, it is not love and it is not friendship if we fail to declare the whole counsel of God. It is better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved for telling a lie. It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated. It’s better to stand alone with the truth, then to be wrong with a multitude. It is better to ultimately succeed with the truth than to temporarily succeed with a lie. There is only one Gospel and Paul said, ‘If any man preaches any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”


StevieRay Hansen
HNewsWire Editor

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

2 thoughts on “Christian bigotry is rife in America

  1. A great article in substance, but poorly edited (e.g., poorly punctuated, misspelling: “There’re hundreds of examples of people being intimidated. belittled humiliated while the media cheers this behavior on.” “it’s dangerous to WHERE any clothing or baseball caps”). Neverheless, I’m passing it along.

    Some of us ‘catastrophists’ have been warning for some time that the anti-Christian hate, bigotry and persecutions were sure to come. I think that ship has now landed and the evil cloud is descending the gangway, thanks to the mainstream Church’s apathy and the democrats’ agenda.

    1. Bad grammar in this article, I believe it’s about the message, I for one will spend more time editing, double checking for misspelled words in future articles, we appreciate your input and may God richly bless you, StevieRay Hansen

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