COVID Booster Hesitancy On The Rise Amongst Australians.


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According to a research done by the Australian National University, booster apprehension among Australians has increased from October 2021, when the booster program first began.

3472 Australians over the age of 18 were polled on booster reluctance in January 2022; the group had previously been surveyed in January to February 2020, prior to the pandemic, as well as in 2021, to follow participants’ change in attitudes toward COVID-19.

According to the results of the study, of those who have received their first or second doses, 65.4 percent said they will take a booster, a decrease from 71.9 percent in October 2021, before to booster rollouts.

There has also been an increase in the negative response to booster shots, with 11.5 percent of individuals saying no to boosters, 3.9 percent saying probably not, and 7.5 saying definite negative. Only 6% of participants in October 2021, on the other hand, expressed an unfavorable answer.

The demographics with the lowest booster uptake were those between the ages of 18 and 24, with higher age groups having a higher chance of getting triple-jabbed.

Additionally, Australians with a lower level of education and socioeconomic status were shown to have lower booster uptake.

Professor Nicolas Biddle and Kate Sollis, the study’s authors, looked at respondents’ sources of information regarding COVID-19 and their attitudes toward political viewpoints to see if there was a link between booster reluctance and their political beliefs.

They discovered that the group with the lowest booster uptake used no source of COVID-19 information. There was no link between booster reluctance and groups that sourced their friends and relatives through social media.

Therefore, the scientists concluded that booster hesitancy was “due to lack of information, rather than misinformation,” a tendency that was noted in vaccine hesitancy for the first dose.

However, equating information from social media and friends and family to misinformation is a bit presumptive, given the poll did not take into account the viewpoints of the social media sources and friends and family.

Respondents were given statements like “what people call compromise in politics is really just selling out on one’s principles; most politicians do not care about the people; most politicians are trustworthy; politicians are the main problem in Australia,” and other statements, and asked to agree or disagree with them.

The scientists discovered no association between the responses to the statements and booster uptake, so they concluded that booster apprehension was unrelated to “vaccine resistance.”

However, linking populist beliefs to vaccine resistance is a broad assumption to make because vaccine resistance can be caused by other factors, such as anti-mandate emotions, which were not reflected in the statements made.

However, Biddle and Sollis did note that the survey was obtained during a series of anti-mandate protests in Canberra, and that while vaccination rates in Australia are high, many people still refuse to get vaccinated because they believe vaccination should not be “a requirement legislated by a government.”

The authors emphasized the importance of “reaching out” to those who are hostile to boosters and “taking their concerns seriously,” as well as “reducing persistent hurdles for these groups.”

The survey’s analysis also reveals that, despite high vaccination rates in Australia, “there are lower rates of booster uptake” than expected, implying that the country may face low booster rates in the future.

As of February 25, 94.4 percent of Australians aged 16 and older had been double-dosed, while 55.6 percent of eligible Australians aged 16 and above had gotten booster doses.

If you hadn’t noticed yet, the polarization is manufactured. The people the world have come to a threshold in which they need to either choose to advocate for our God given rights, or choose to let a globalist dictatorship make decisions for us. It’s an easy life for those who choose to be led blindly, but inevitably it will come at a cost. As will our actions as an opposition to the globalization of America. Hosea 4:6 says: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the universe around you.



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