Data Proves Covid-19 Kill Shot Deaths Rose Rapidly AFTER Vax Roll-Out In 40+ Countries


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A quantitative data analyst has compiled data from Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center and published a video showing a dramatic spike in alleged Covid-19 deaths after the introduction of the experimental Covid-19 injections in over forty different countries.

Back in February we highlighted how care home deaths allegedly due to Covid-19 had increased by 240% between January 10th and January 29th 2021, despite 95 percent of all care home residents having been vaccinated by January 27th.

The first Covid-19 vaccine was administered in the UK on December 8th 2020, and as you can see from the above graph, alleged Covid-19 deaths had begun to decline prior to this date.

However, once the Covid-19 injection roll-out began to pick up pace the number of Covid-19 deaths began to rapidly rise again.

But Joel Smalley, a quantitative data analyst has published a video which proves this phenomenon didn’t just occur in the United Kingdom, but has instead occurred in over 40 countries.

The video shows weekly Covid-19 deaths per country, before and after Covid-19 vaccination campaigns began, and each country seems to have suffered a huge spike in Covid-19 deaths following the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccine.

See for yourself in the video below –

Satan Soldiers Are Going After Children Next — White House Details Plan To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11

Starting kids on cocaine or heroin would probably be safer.

There will be no informed consent. Even if the rancid bastards giving the Kill Jabs try to explain that the jab is experimental, as international law says they must, not one 12-year-old in a billion will understand how mRNA vaccines work. They will be bullied by doctors, teachers and peer pressure. Their parents won’t be able to save them.

Many of the children who are jabbed will die. Some will be permanently disabled. This is cold-blooded, inhuman child abuse, impure and simple. It’s as bad as anything done at Dachau and Auschwitz. It’ll be organised by a corrupt state and it will be carried out by people who deserve to be hung for their crimes. If I had children of jabbing age I would keep them at home and lock all the doors to keep out the bogey men and women.

“Anytime you are using a mandate, you are taking away the ability of the patient to give consent,” StevieRay argued. “In terms of justifying it, you have to have a clear and obvious good that is achieved that outweighs the removal of patient consent.”

The Biden administration on Wednesday unveiled its plan to ‘quickly’ vaccinate roughly 28 million children age 5-11, pending authorization from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The jab – which doesn’t prevent transmission of Covid-19 will be available at pediatricians, local pharmacies, and possibly even at schools, according to the White House, which expects FDA authorization of the Pfizer shot for children – the least likely to fall seriously ill or die from the virus, in a matter of weeks, according to the Associated Press.

Federal regulators will meet over the next two weeks to weigh the benefits of giving shots to kids, after lengthy studies meant to ensure the safety of the vaccines.

Within hours of formal approval, expected after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory meeting scheduled for Nov. 2-3, doses will begin shipping to providers across the country, along with smaller needles necessary for injecting young kids, and within days will be ready to go into the arms of kids on a wide scale. -AP

According to the announcement, the White House has secured enough to supply more than 25,000 doses for pediatricians and primary care physicians who have already signed up to deliver the vaccine, while the country now has enough Pfizer vaccine to jab roughly 28 million kids who will soon be eligible, meaning this won’t be a slow roll-out like we saw 10 months ago when doses and capacity issues meant adults had to wait.

Meanwhile, the White House is rolling out an ‘advertising’ campaign to convince parents and kids that the vaccine is safe and effective. According to the report, “the administration believes trusted messengers — educators, doctors, and community leaders — will be vital to encouraging vaccinations.”

“COVID has also disrupted our kids lives. It’s made school harder, it’s disrupted their ability to see friends and family, it’s made youth sports more challenging,” said surgeon general Dr. Vivek Murthy in a Wednesday statement to NBC. “Getting our kids vaccinated, we have the prospect of protecting them, but also getting all of those activities back that are so important to our children.”

According to Murthy, the administration is leaving the question of mandates for school, local and state officials.

“Those are decisions on, when it comes to school requirements, that are made by localities and by states,” said Murthy. “You’ve seen already some localities and states talk about vaccine requirements for kids. And I think it’s a reasonable thing to consider to get those vaccination rates high. And it’s also consistent with what we’ve done for other childhood vaccines, like measles, mumps, polio.”

The US government has purchased 65 million doses of the Pfizer pediatric shot – which is expected to contain one-third of the dosage for adults and adolescents. The FDA’s independent advisory committee will meet Oct. 26 to consider authorizing the Pfizer shot for children aged 5-11.

To top it all off, CDC Chief Rochelle Walensky says her agency will still recommend that children wear masks in schools even after the vaccine is approved for kids. Source: ZeroHedge principia-scientific HNewsWire

Satan Soldier Joe Biden makes my choices, trying to protect me from myself

The Vaxxed Are Sheep Being Led To Their Slaughter

“Wake up stupid little sheep. You are being led to your slaughter.”

If You Don’t Trust Me Ask The Blind Man ,He Saw it All

I go back to my original statement in January, this is a “Pestilence”, God knew evil men were in labs concocting a virus with the intention of harming humanity. SRH…

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

HNewsWire: “In October, November and December, There Will Be a Terrible Death Rate, Globally” Will Occur “Exclusively” With Vaccinated People. “Those Deaths Will Be Labeled Swiftly as a New Variant Strain of Covid

Mr. Pres. it’s time for you be honest with the American people, your first obligation is our safety, ask God for direction and STOP spinning the truth about this “Pestilence”, the American hospitals or about to become overwhelmed.

People are in a state of fear, they are susceptible to manipulation and easy for Satan Soldiers to control.”

Do you understand what the elitist- YouTube, Fakebook and Twitter think of you, your basement dwellers and deserve to be controlled, Christian are Hate Fill Morons and Big Tech Will Control You…


Global Predators Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Behind The Kill Shots COVID Reign of Terror

Remember when they all said that they were never going to demand forced vaccinations and that the passports were a “conspiracy theory”? Well guess what? We “conspiracy theorists” were right yet again.

Governments of the world, Big Pharma and Big Media are clearly guilty.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

One thought on “Data Proves Covid-19 Kill Shot Deaths Rose Rapidly AFTER Vax Roll-Out In 40+ Countries

  1. Investigative journalist Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs pointed out the CDC’s methodology for calculating COVID vaccine-related deaths is highly misleading because it is based on the number of doses administered, rather than on the number of people who receive injections.

    Lynn’s analysis shows this methodology reduces the percentage of deaths almost by half, “an incredible mathematical error, surely done with intention.”

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