Endless Kill Shot For Humanity — Pfizer, BioNTech Say Jab For New ‘Omicron’ Strain Ready In 100 Days
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Endless Kill Shot For Humanity — Pfizer, BioNTech Say Jab For New ‘Omicron’ Strain Ready In 100 Days

The discovery of yet another COVID variant could be a boon to pharmaceutical companies which have already cashed in on vaccines and are moving with lightning fast speed to produce yet another “jab” to protect against the omicron strain, the latest in a potentially endless string of mutations that could fuel the industry for years to come.


Americans who were happily enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday were served up a triple helping of media hysteria over the new variant which threatens to upend a nation that has already been battered by onerous restrictions, skyrocketing inflation, job losses and unprecedented shortages. However, according to two of Big Pharma’s heaviest hitters, a vaccine could be ready to go within 100 days.

In a statement emailed to Fox Business, Pfizer said that the vaccine manufacturers were “remaining vigilant” and “constantly conducting surveillance efforts focused on monitoring for emerging variants that potentially escape protection from our vaccine.”

The company also stated, “As always, we will continue to follow the science as we examine the best approaches to protecting people against COVID-19,” Pfizer wrote. “In the event that vaccine-escape variant emerges, Pfizer and BioNTech expect to be able to develop and produce a tailor-made vaccine against that variant in approximately 100 days, subject to regulatory approval.”

Fox Business also received a separate statement from a BioNTech spokesperson.

“The variant differs significantly from previously observed variants as it has additional mutations located in the spike protein. We expect more data from the laboratory tests in two weeks at the latest. These data will provide more information about whether B.1.1.529 could be an escape variant that may require an adjustment of our vaccine if the variant spreads globally,” the network reported.

“Pfizer and BioNTech have taken actions months ago to be able to adapt the mRNA vaccine within six weeks and ship initial batches within 100 days in the event of an escape variant. To that end, the companies have begun clinical trials with variant-specific vaccines (alpha and delta) to collect safety and tolerability data that can be provided to regulators as part of the blueprint studies in the event of [a] needed variant-specific vaccine,” the spokesperson added.

Additionally, a spokesperson for Johnson & Johnson also told Fox Business, “We are closely monitoring newly emerging COVID-19 virus strains with variations in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and are already testing the effectiveness of our vaccine against the new and rapidly spreading variant first detected in southern Africa,”

However, some are skeptical of both the new variant as well as the pharmaceutical companies’ rush to production of the new vaccine and they took to Twitter to express their opinions.

The news of the new variant is also a booster for President Joe Biden’s mass vaccination campaign, one which despite increasingly menacing threats to holdouts, has failed to convince those who remain hesitant to get jabbed to fall in line and roll up their sleeves.

In a Saturday statement from the White House, Biden implored Americans to get double-vaxxed with a booster chaser before Pfizer-BioNTech have even brought their omicron vaccine to market, yet another jab that will soon be added to the list as the goalposts of what it means to be “fully vaccinated” continue to be shifted.

According to Biden, “First, for those Americans who are fully vaccinated against severe COVID illness – fortunately, for the vast majority of our adults — the best way to strengthen your protection is to get a booster shot, as soon as you are eligible. Boosters are approved for all adults over 18, six months past their vaccination and are available at 80,000 locations coast-to-coast. They are safe, free, and convenient. Get your booster shot now, so you can have this additional protection during the holiday season.”

The POTUS added, “Second, for those not yet fully vaccinated: get vaccinated today. This includes both children and adults. America is leading the world in vaccinating children ages 5-11, and has been vaccinating teens for many months now – but we need more Americans in all age groups to get this life-saving protection. If you have not gotten vaccinated, or have not taken your children to get vaccinated, now is the time.”

With the medical industrial complex thriving as never before and politicians able to use the virus and its myriad variations to imbue themselves with sweeping powers, there is no end to the vaccinations in sight and with each subsequent iteration, the idea of vaccine passports to keep track of the shots comes closer to reality.

Source: Header image: Getty Images  bizpacreview.com


Watchman: Pfizer’s Long History of Scandals, and the Fact That They Have Never Been Held to Account for Their Crimes Continues to Be Ignored by the Media, PFIZER HYPER-REPROBATES

By StevieRay Hansen | July 21, 2023 | 0 Comments

Reprobate Doctrine. A Biblical doctrine that demonstrates in scripture, that God will turn people over to their vile lifestyles as a curse, blinding them to salvation in Jesus, giving them over to a devil’s hell for eternity. A doctrine that I believe is completely Biblical and defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 1 is unmistakably visceral language. The Cult Of Vaccines, It’s a Death March… The vaccine information war has kicked up a gear, and the mainstream media vultures are circling to descend on any content that they can easily label and dismiss as misinformation. Laws will be passed throughout legislatures globally to criminalise anyone who publicly misunderstands any part of the complex biological processes involved in many of the new experimental vaccine technologies that are being used to produce Covid-19 vaccine candidates. Even now, intelligence agencies and intelligence-backed tech companies are […]


Bill Gates Dream Come True, Pfizer’s COVID-19

By StevieRay Hansen | November 22, 2022 | 0 Comments

Vaccine Killed 40 Times More Old People Than the Virus Itself Would Have… by Ethan Huff Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine killed 40 times more The experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines from Pfizer that were rushed into production and distribution via Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program are killing far more elderly people than the so-called “virus” itself would have. A re-analysis of data provided by the Israeli Health Ministry concluded that Pfizer and BioNTech’s messenger RNA (mRNA) gene therapy injections have already killed “about 40 times more (elderly) people than the disease itself would have killed” during a recent five-week vaccination period. Piggybacking on research from back in January which found that Chinese virus vaccines are “not safer” than the virus itself, this latest study indicts the Trump vaccines for causing more death rather than preventing it. Dr. Hervé Seligmann, a faculty member at Aix-Marseille University in France demonstrated using a full […]


Pfizer Revealed That It is Using Israel as a Special “Laboratory” Evaluation of the Covid

By StevieRay Hansen | December 4, 2021 | 2 Comments

Vaccine’s Effects — Lab Rats In Israel Satan Soldiers:“Our tolerance for people who do not get vaccinated has run out,” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stated Sunday, exasperated that his vaccination strategy—arguably the most aggressive in the world—has failed to curb the Delta variant coursing through the country. Instead of defeating the virus, as he had been promising for weeks in pushing a third COVID shot on Israelis, the number of Israelis at peril climbed steadily: 246 on Sunday were deemed critically ill, 178 of them on ventilators; a week earlier the numbers were 206 and 157, and two weeks earlier 203 and 153. About 400 Israelis died in the last two weeks, up from about 300 in the previous two weeks. The happy talk from some Israeli medical experts earlier this month, when they expressed optimism the worst was over, is gone, replaced by dire reports of […]


Satan Soldiers at Pfizer Continue to Mislead the Public About COVID Vaccine

By StevieRay Hansen | November 27, 2021 | 2 Comments

There Hype Fails to Mention the Facts… Pfizer recently announced that its Covid vaccine was more than 90 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Shortly after this announcement, Moderna announced that its Covid vaccine was 94.5 percent “effective” at preventing covid-19. Unlike the flu vaccine, which is one shot, both Covid vaccines require two shots given three to four weeks apart. Hidden toward the end of both announcements, were the definitions of “effective.” Both trials have a treatment group that received the vaccine and a control group that did not. All the trial subjects were covid negative prior to the start of the trial. The analysis for both trials was performed when a target number of “cases” were reached. “Cases” were defined by positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. There was no information about the cycle number for the PCR tests. There was no information about whether the “cases” had symptoms or […]


Satan Soldiers Knew All Along Covid-19 Vaccines Are Killing Thousands — Tribulation In Play

62 percent of all UK excess deaths since March 2020 have occurred at home; but just three percent are associated with Covid-19.

Satan’s counterfeit systems of authority, to which the believer is not to submit. Corrupt leaders—like Satan himself (Gen. 3:1-7)—seek to lead people into sin, and these must be resisted…

Though it is difficult for us to understand, there are times when God will place us under harsh leaders, and we are required to submit to their authority.

First and foremost, we must understand that God’s authority is supreme and He sovereignly rules overall. Scripture reveals, “The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all”[1] (Ps. 103:19), and “Whatever the LORD pleases, He does, in heaven and in the earth, in the seas and in all deeps” (Ps. 135:6). Daniel wrote, “It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings” (Dan 2:21), and “the Highest is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whom He wishes and sets over it the lowliest of men” (Dan 4:17; cf. Dan 4:34-355:211 Chron. 29:11-12Rom. 13:1-2). God has established the governmental systems of the world to promote law and order. This means He has delegated authority to persons and groups who serve as administrative overseers to others. When functioning properly, the government produces harmony by establishing and enforcing laws in society, and by restricting and punishing wrongdoers and promoting and rewarding those who do good.

It IS A “Poison-Kill Shot”

Since March 7th 2020 there have been 250,725 deaths that have occurred at home up to August 27th 2021, an increase of 68,411 on the previous 5 year average. But just 8,249 of these deaths are associated with the alleged Covid-19 disease.. So why have so many people died? And why are they still dying?

Office for National Statistics data shows us that excess deaths have occurred in the home every single week between March 7th 2020 and August 27th 2021, but the same cannot be said for hospitals or care homes. Instead excess deaths have only occurred in these two places in line with the first, second, and third waves of alleged Covid-19 deaths.

Further data which can be downloaded here via the ONS website shows the full picture which is as follows between March 7th 2020 and August 27th 2021 –

Deaths Occurring In Hospital

  • Total number of deaths all causes – 379,517
  • Total number of deaths associated with Covid-19 – 98,564
  • Total number of excess deaths against the 5 year average – 19,168

Deaths Occurring In Care Homes

  • Total number of deaths all causes – 191,152
  • Total number of deaths associated with Covid-19 – 32,348
  • Total number of excess deaths against the 5 year average – 23,740

Deaths Occurring In Private Homes

  • Total number of deaths all causes – 250,725
  • Total number of deaths associated with Covid-19 – 8,249
  • Total number of excess deaths against the 5 year average – 68,411

As you can see from the numbers of above excess deaths in both hospitals and care homes have actually been far less than the number of alleged deaths associated with Covid-19 to have occurred in hospitals and care homes. However, the same cannot be said for deaths occurring in private homes.

Alleged Covid-19 deaths account for 26 percent of all deaths in hospitals between March 7th 2020 and August 27th 2021, whilst excess deaths in hospital account for 17 percent of all excess deaths that have occurred within the same time frame.

Alleged Covid-19 deaths account for 17 percent of all deaths in care homes between March 7th 2020 and August 27th 2021, whilst excess deaths in care homes account for 21 percent of all excess deaths that have occurred within the same time frame.

You would therefore believe deaths occurring at home would follow a similar pattern but the reality is far from it. Alleged Covid-19 deaths account for just three percent of all deaths at home between March 7th 2020 and August 27th 2021, whilst excess deaths at home account for a huge 62 percent of all excess deaths that have occurred within the same time frame.

Excess deaths in hospitals and care homes can be explained by the return of the Liverpool Care Pathway, you only need to look at the data on prescriptions for a drug called Midazolam against excess deaths throughout the pandemic as to see why.

But explaining the reasons as to why so many deaths are occurring at home isn’t as simple.

During the first wave of alleged Covid-19 deaths in March 2020, and the second wave of alleged Covid-19 deaths in January 2020 it could have been argued that the reason for so many deaths occurring at home is because hospitals were overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients. This argument however, cannot be used to explain why there have been excess deaths occurring at home every single week since the alleged Covid-19 pandemic struck the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately though it cannot even be used to explain why so many excess deaths occurred at home during the alleged first and second wave of Covid-19 deaths, because the NHS was never overwhelmed.

NHS data shows us that during the height of the “first wave” between April and June 2020 there were 58,005 beds occupied which equated to 62% occupancy. This is 30% down on the same time frame in the previous year.

  • In 2017, April-June there were on average a total of 91,724 beds occupied which equated to 89.1 percent occupancy.
  • In 2018, April-June there were on average a total of 91,056 beds occupied which equated to 89.8 percent occupancy.
  • In 2019, April-June there were on average a total of 91,730 beds occupied which equated to 90.3 percent occupancy.
  • In 2020, April-June there were on average a total of 58,005 beds occupied which equated to 62 percent occupancy.

It also shows us that A&E attendance during the height of the first wave was 57 percent down on the previous year.

  • 2018 – April – 1,984,369 attended A&E
  • 2019 – April – 2,112,165 attended A&E
  • 2020 – April – 916,581 attended A&E

The above was also true for the alleged second wave of Covid-19 during the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021, although it was slightly busier than the first wave, so as you can see an overwhelmed NHS is not a valid argument to justify so many excess deaths occurring in private homes, but perhaps NHS neglect is.

In March 2020 over 2 million operations were cancelled to allegedly free up beds for at least three months for alleged Covid-19 patients.

It’s not hard to work out the knock on effect this would have on the health of those who had their operations cancelled.

Then we also have the fact that GP’s refused to participate in face to face consultations, instead preferring to carry them out over the phone or via video call. This will of course have led to missed diagnosis of serious illness resulting in deaths that otherwise would not have occurred.

Since the start of the alleged pandemic, the number of people waiting for NHS treatment in England has grown by at least a fifth. 5.3 million people were waiting for treatment in May 2021. There has been a particularly sharp increase in the number of people waiting for longer than a year, causing widespread concern over the scale of the NHS ‘backlog’.

A backlog of that size will of course be leading to a number of deaths to occur at home that otherwise would have not occurred. However, Sajid Javid, the Health and Social Care Secretary, has warned that it is ‘going to get a lot worse before it gets better’ and could grow to 13 million. So we can possibly expect to see excess deaths in private homes continuing for some time to come.

Another factor at play in causing excess deaths at home will be thanks to the psychological warfare unlesashed by the Government on the advice of Susan Michie and her colleagues in the Scientific Panedemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B).

The above screenshots are taken from a document produced by SPI-B entitled ‘Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures‘, with policies such as using “media to increase sense of personal threat” being implemented since March 2020.

The problem with this being that the fear they managed to instill in the general population led to many not wanting to seek medical care due to a fear of being a burden on the NHS, or catching the virus if they leave their home, which has no doubt lead to many unnecessary deaths occurring in private homes.

Here’s an example of some of the ‘hard hitting emotional messaging’ used to manipulate the British people into complying with what is without a doubt medical tyranny –

“Don’t kill granny with the virus” warns Matt Hancock who blames spike in Covid cases on middle-class youth. This is just one example of many that have been used to increase the perceived level of personal threat.

But of course it’s headlines like the above that led to so many people opting to get one of the Covid-19 vaccines, vaccines which have been proven to cause deadly blood clots and myocarditis.

There is now a proven link between the AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection and unusual blood clots associated with low blood platelets.

And the UK Medicine Regulator has confirmed that both the Pfizer jab and Moderna jab can cause myocarditis; inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis; inflammation of the protective sacs around the heart, particularly among younger males.

Could this therefore be the reason so many excess deaths are still occurring at home 18 months after the alleged Covid-19 pandemic began? The theory is certainly supported by data found on the UK Government website for the week ending September 5th 2021.

Public Health England collects data on certain symptoms reported when a call is made to ambulance services, and it shows that calls related to cardiac or respiratory arrest have been above the pre-Covid-19 average since the start of the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out, and miles above average since younger adults started to get the jab.

Correlation is of course not causation, but something is causing a huge spike in these concerning symptoms, and something is causing excess deaths to occur in private homes week after week, and it is not Covid-19.

The Covid-19 vaccines have proven to be extremely unsafe so far with over 1.1 million adverse reactions and over 1,600 deaths being reported to the MHRA Yellow Card scheme.

They have also proven to be clearly not working thanks to Public Health England data which shows 70 percent of all alleged Covid-19 deaths are people who have been vaccinated, whilst Public Health Scotland data shows 80 percent of all alleged Covid-19 deaths in August were people who have been vaccinated.

There isn’t a single answer as to why so many excess deaths have occurred at home since March 2020 and continue to occur, instead there seems to be a number of factors at play as we have detailed above. Read More


Source: HNewsWire     HNewsWire    HNewsWire     HNewsWire    Reference

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

If it kills, it's a pestilent. If you get sick and feel peony for a few days and lose your taste and smell, it's a seasonal flu which we've had since the beginning of time, contrary to what phony doctors and or phony scientists have pushed as the gospel. Yes, it's the gospel of evil, the gospel of Satan

One thought on “Endless Kill Shot For Humanity — Pfizer, BioNTech Say Jab For New ‘Omicron’ Strain Ready In 100 Days

  1. By way of contrast, using the exact same search parameters in VAERS, but excluding the COVID-19 shots, we found 2,168 fetal deaths following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years. (Source.)

    That’s an average of 72 fetal deaths per year following all FDA-approved vaccines for the past 30+ years, compared to what is on pace to be 3064 fetal deaths in 1 year following COVID-19 shots.

    FDA-approved vaccines: 72 fetal deaths per year
    COVID-19 EUA shots: 3064 fetal deaths per year

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