Fake Polls? How CNN And ABC Are Fudging The Numbers To Tank Trump’s Favorability ,NOT Surprising…


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Two polls released Tuesday — one from ABC and a second from CNN — tout Donald Trump as being the most unfavorable incoming president in modern history — yet on second look, the data is clearly boosted by the pollers’ decision to oversample Democrats.

Donald Trump (Reuters Pictures)

According to [Gallup](http://www.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx), 28 percent of Americans identify themselves as a Republican, while 25 percent identify as a Democrat.

Despite this information, eight more percent of participants in both the ABC and CNN polls identified as Democrats, leading to an 11 point swing in partisanship breakdown off the national average.

ABC’s poll sampled 1,005 adults across the nation. However, partisan breakdown shows that only 23 percent of participants identified as Republican.

Conversely, 31 percent of participants identified as Democrats and 37 percent as independent, while nine percent did not answer.


ABC’s poll found 40 percent of participants viewed Trump favorably, while 54 percent viewed him unfavorably.


Similarly, CNN’s poll also featured an eight-point partisanship gap.

Of the 1,000 adults taking part in the Atlanta-based news network’s poll, 32 percent claimed to be Democrats, 24 percent claimed to be Republicans and the remaining 44 percent claimed to be “independents or members of another party.”

CNN found that 44 percent view Trump favorably, 53 percent view him unfavorably and three percent have no opinion of the president-elect.


Additionally, though the poll itself makes Trump’s favorables abundantly clear, CNN’s write up of the poll knocked four percentage points off the actual statistic.

“Donald Trump will become president Friday with an approval rating of just 40 percent,” CNN’s polling director Jennifer Agiesta wrote Tuesday morning.

Agiesta aded it is “the lowest of any recent president and 44 points below that of President Barack Obama, the 44th president.”

screenshot, CNN

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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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