Google promises YouTube crackdown on online extremism, also Faith Base Groups that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content.


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google is promising to be more vigilant about preventing terrorist propaganda and other extremist videos from appearing on its YouTube site amid intensifying criticism about the internet’s role in mass violence.

Its crackdown will involve both computer programs and an expanded group of people dedicated to identifying videos promoting terrorism so they can be blocked from appearing on YouTube or quickly removed.

 Google is making the commitment in the wake of violent attacks in the U.S. and elsewhere. A van struck a crowd of people outside a London mosque Sunday, the second time an automobile was used as a weapon in that city this month, and less than a week after a gunman attacked GOP lawmakers on a baseball field.

And earlier this month, British Prime Minister [Theresa May]( called on governments to form international agreements to prevent the spread of extremism online. Some proposed measures would hold companies legally accountable for the material posted on their sites, a liability that Google and other internet companies are trying to avert.

 Toward that end, Facebook last week pledged to use more advanced technology and more than 150 human reviewers to find and remove terrorist content before people see it on its social networking site.
Although Google said in a blog post that it is been trying to block extremist content for years, its general counsel [Kent Walker]( wrote that “the uncomfortable truth is that we, as an industry, must acknowledge that more needs to be done. Now.”

Anti-hate groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center have skewered Google and Facebook for doing too little to muzzle hate groups online.

Google, along with other companies such as Facebook, Microsoft and Twitter, recently agreed to create an international forum to share and develop technology, support smaller businesses and speed up their joint efforts against online terrorism.

To step up its policing efforts, Google will nearly double the number of independent experts it uses to flag problematic content and expand its work with counter-extremist groups to help identify content that may be used to radicalize and recruit terrorists.

The Mountain View, California, company will also train more people to identify and remove extremist and terrorism-related content faster.

Google also is taking a tougher stance on videos that don’t clearly violate its policies but still offend broad swaths of society, like those that contain inflammatory religious or supremacist content. YouTube won’t remove those videos, but viewers will first have to click through an “interstitial” warning in order to see them.

Google also won’t sell ads alongside this category of objectionable video to reduce the moneymaking opportunities for their creators. These initiatives could help Google woo back major advertisers who began pulling back from YouTube earlier this year after learning that their brands sometimes appeared next to unsavory videos.

YouTube also won’t recommend these videos to its users, and it won’t allow YouTube users to endorse them or leave comments — all efforts aimed at limiting their popularity.

Google is also teaming up with Jigsaw, a company also owned by its corporate parent Alphabet Inc., to target online ads at potential Isis recruits in hopes of diverting them to anti-terrorist videos.

Google and other social media companies are pledging to rid their communities of terrorists and those that inspire them, but there is concern about policing beliefs that some simply don’t like.
The threat of government persecution of Christians sent chills throughout the faith community recently when U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders confronted Russell Vought, a Trump nominee, about his orthodox views on Jesus Christ and salvation.

 You wrote, ‘Muslims do not know God because they rejected Jesus Christ, His Son, and they stand condemned,” Sanders told Vought. “I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that this nominee is really not someone who is what this country is supposed to be about.”

Sanders’ blasting of Vought’s religious views sparked outrage due to the U.S. Constitution forbidding a “religious test,” and there are similar concerns brewing over the First Amendment right to express views that the Left deems “hateful” or “bigoted.”

Under tremendous pressure from Europe, where free speech rights are less robust than in the U.S., social media giants like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter have agreed to sponsor a forum to discuss purging terrorists from their pages, videos and posts.

Dacus, Brad (PJI)

California attorney Brad Dacus of Pacific Justice Institute was alarmed when he saw the Southern Poverty Law Center seeking a seat at the table.

Southern Poverty, he warns, is “very bigoted against Christians, against conservative organizations that have mainstream values.”

An Associated Press story about the promised crackdown reports Southern Poverty has criticized Google and Facebook for “doing too little to muzzle hate groups online.”

The story goes on to state that Google has pledged to take a “tougher stance” on videos and content that don’t violate its policies but “offend broad swaths of society,” including religious content.

The left-wing organization is known for documenting “hate groups” on its online “Hate Map,” putting mainstream conservative groups alongside proudly racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

Mississippi-based American Family Association, the parent organization of American Family News, is listed among 18 “hate groups” in the state alongside black separatist groups and”neo-confederate groups.”

In the state of California, Dacus and Pacific Justice Institute are named on the “Hate Map” alongside “Golden State Skinheads,” “American Nazi Party,” and the “Pacific Coast Knights of the Ku Klux Clan.

The irony of Southern Poverty’s Hate Map is that it nearly led to a massacre of employees at the conservative Family Research Council in 2012.

A gunman found FRC on the “Hate Map” and planned to kill the employees for their “anti-gay” views before a security guard stopped him.

Southern Poverty later denied its Hate Map was tied to the shooting – and has never apologized for the incident.

The fear, says Dacus, is that social media groups will blur the line between the violent rhetoric of terrorists and merely unpopular thought and beliefs like those targeted by Sen. Sanders.

A spokesman for Facebook, responding to OneNewsNow, says the social media company is on the lookout for any groups that support violence or are engaged in acts of violence.

“We are reaching a new level of open hostility and social warfare,” Dacus warns.

There should be “serious concern,” he adds, from conservative Americans, organizations and ministries about the impact of a left-wing crackdown on their right-wing views.

HNewsWire Radio

StevieRay Hansen the Shepherd, analyzing the news and the mainstream media, truth is the new hate speech, journalist are not journalist, their propaganda talking heads. As long as you want to be a part of the crowd, you will not understand the truth.
America is on the road to destruction and we are watching a nation ROT from the inside out.


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