HNewsWire: It’s Not the China Virus That’s Going to Kill Us, It Will Be the Kill Shots That Satan Soldiers Are Promoting in Some Cases Advocating Mandatory Compliance With Their Ungodly Concoction, Death Will Follow
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HNewsWire: It’s Not the China Virus That’s Going to Kill Us, It Will Be the Kill Shots That Satan Soldiers Are Promoting in Some Cases Advocating Mandatory Compliance With Their Ungodly Concoction, Death Will Follow

The CDC Is Lying To The World About Covid-19 Kill Shot Vaccine Safety – They Are Killing 15 People For Every 1 Life They Claim To Save – Satan Soldiers Demonic Plan – Kill Off The Useless Eaters…

The CDC and the FDA claim that we can safely ignore the huge spike in event rates reported to the VAERS system this year (this is the official adverse event reporting system relied on by the FDA and CDC to spot safety signals). In their view, there is “nothing to see” in the death chart below. They claim that the propensity to report (PTR) is much higher this year and that all the events (with the exception of a few) are all simply reporting background events that were not caused by the Covid-19 vaccines.

the cdc is lying to the world about covid 19 vaccine safety – they are killing 15 people for every 1 life they claim to save

There’s just one tiny little problem with that explanation: there is a CDC paper that proves that they are lying. Big time.

I will show below that even if we believed everything they said, it can’t explain all the deaths and severe adverse events. The data simply doesn’t fit their hypothesis. At all.

The reality is the vaccines are extremely dangerous, they kill more than they save for every age range (it’s worse the younger you are), and they should be halted immediately, not green lighted like the FDA committee just did. All vaccine mandates should be rescinded.

by Steve Kirsch

The CDC Paper

In a nutshell, there is a paper written by five CDC authors, The reporting sensitivity of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for anaphylaxis and for Guillain-Barré syndrome, that was published a year ago in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.


The paper claims that serious adverse events in the past have been under-reported by at most a factor of 8.3 (known as the under-reporting factor (URF)).

This means that in the best possible scenario, where there is full reporting (i.e., where the URF=1 and the PTR, defined as the avg URF/current URF, is 8.3), a reporting rate of serious adverse events that is 8.3X higher than the previous reporting rate for that symptom could be safely ignored as simply due to a higher propensity to report the naturally occurring rate of background events.

While theoretically you could have a URF of <1, this is unlikely since the HHS verifies all records before they are put in the database and eliminates duplicates. There are mistakes that happen but they are minor, e..g, we know of 2 gamed records out of the 1.6M VAERS reports. So the minimum URF would be 1 and it would be nearly impossible to achieve from a practical standpoint.

Here’s the problem. This year, with the COVID vaccines, there are a huge number of serious adverse events that are reported at a rate that is more than 8.3X higher than previous years. In fact, nearly every serious event I investigated was elevated from previous years by significantly more than this. I documented this in an important video on VAERS serious adverse event reports that I hope everyone will watch.

Unfortunately, none of the people at the FDA, CDC, or on their respective outside committees has ever watched that video. If they did, they would immediately realize the enormous mistakes that have been made and I’m sure take corrective action.

But cognitive dissonance prevents them from watching the video. I think the only way to force them to watch the video would be to physically strap them in a chair and put clamps on their eyes as was done in the movie “A Clockwork Orange.”

How Do You Explain The Rates Of Pulmonary Embolism?

The most stunning serious adverse event I found was pulmonary embolism (PE).

As I show in the video, the average annual number of reports of PE per year in VAERS for all vaccines was 1.4. So we’d expect to see at most 11.6 PE events this year according to the belief system of the FDA and CDC. Well, one tiny little problem: with the COVID vaccines, there were 1,131 reports, nearly a 100-fold increase over the “best case” scenario. Please watch the video on VAERS serious adverse event reports to see this for yourself.

Also, for those suffering from “cognitive dissonance syndrome” (this is a common affliction of people who think the vaccines are safe), the increase in reports isn’t due to increased rates of vaccination either as we explain in this paperwhich shows historical vaccination rates among various age groups.

In other words, even if you totally buy the bullshit argument of the FDA and CDC (which they never justified with analysis or data) that the URF=1 this year, it still means that 99% of the reports of pulmonary embolism (PE) are unexplainable. They must be caused by “something” and that something has to be very big and it has to be correlated with the administration of the vaccine because the PE reporting rate was correlated with the vaccine administration.

If these PE events weren’t caused by the vaccine, then what caused them?

Nobody can explain that. Nobody even attempts to explain it. Nobody even wants to talk about it.

But since the mainstream media and fact checkers are completely tone deaf to safety reports, they never ask the question. They never will. It would explode the whole false narrative.

We Kill 15 People To Maybe Save 1. Are We Nuts?

Furthermore, if we use the same methodology as used by the CDC in their paper to determine the actual under-reporting factor for this year, but we use a much more accurate reference, we find that the best estimate for the minimum URF is 41. For less serious events you’d use a higher number since healthcare workers and consumers are far less likely to report less serious events. So using 41 is always “safe” in that it will not overestimate any event.

This means that we’ve killed well over 150,000 Americans so far, and all of those deaths had to be caused by the vaccine because there is simply no other explanation that fits all the facts. See this paper for the details. The paper also details 7 other ways that the number was validated and none of those methods used the VAERS data at all. This makes it impossible for anyone to credibly attack the analysis. Nobody wants to debate us on this.

And Pfizer’s own Phase 3 study showed that we save only 1 COVID death for every 22,000 people we vaccinate (you have to see Table S4 in the supplement to learn that 2 people died from COVID who were unvaccinated and 1 person died from COVID who got the vaccine, so a net savings of 1 life).

We have fully vaccinated almost 220M Americans which means we may save an estimated 10,000 lives from COVID per the Pfizer study which is the most definitive data we have (since “real scientists” ONLY trust the data in the double-blind randomized controlled trials).

Yet the VAERS data shows we killed over 150,000 Americans from the vaccine to achieve that goal.

In other words, we killed 15 people for every COVID life we might save.

But it’s worse than that because the Pfizer study was done pre-Delta. The Pfizer vaccine was developed for Alpha variant and is less effective against Delta. So our numbers are even more extreme.

This means of course that the FDA, CDC, and their outside committees are all incompetent in their ability to spot safety signals. They couldn’t even spot the death safety signal. It also means that the vaccine mandates are immoral and unethical.

Inconvenient Truth: Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Is Neither Rare Or Mild

When we apply the proper URF to the myocarditis data, we find that myocarditis goes from a “rare” event to a common event.

Using data from the CDC and applying the correct URF, for 16 year-old boys, the rate of myocarditis is 1 in 317 as we can see from this slide from our All you need to know deck. That’s not rare. That’s a train wreck.


Also, as far as the myocarditis being “mild” that’s bullshit too. According to the cardiologists I talked to such as Peter McCullough, there is no such thing as mild myocarditis. Anytime you have an event that puts a teenager in the hospital, that’s problematic.

In fact, as we show in All you need to know, troponin levels can rise to extreme levels and stay elevated for months. Troponin is a marker of heart damage. Unlike a heart attack, the levels are much higher and they stay elevated for much longer. The damage that is done is usually permanent and it may lead to loss of life within 5 years.

Of course nobody knows the death rate in 5 years. We’ll find out in 5 years. Our kids are enrolled in the clinical trial of this by getting vaccinated, but we don’t notify the parents of this. And the kids are clueless because the doctors tell them it is safe. They believe the doctors. The doctors believe the CDC. And the CDC was lying. And now the CDC simply doesn’t want to talk to us about it. I get that.

There Are Thousands Of Elevated Events

It’s not just a few symptoms that are elevated. There are thousands of them. If they don’t kill you, you can be disabled for life, even after you use the right drugs to rid yourself of the damaging effects of the vaccines.

Watchman Reporting Excess Kill Shot “Vaccines” Death — Gates Is The Most Successful COVID Kill Shot Expert In The World — More Death Coming

By StevieRay Hansen | May 21, 2024

“When elected officials begin to feel the heat, they suddenly begin to see the light,” meaning that growing public pressure on elected officials really works. You just need to have the courage (and faith in God) to take a stand, and hold that stand. Even a solitary stand, if need be. Say hello to Granite Ridge Soapworks! Use our handmade soaps to take good care of your skin. Our premium natural ingredients work together to create a silky, creamy lather that hydrates your skin. Chemicals, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, phthalates, parabens, or detergents, are never used by us. To ensure quality, we make all of our soaps in modest quantities. Visit our Etsy store right away to give them a try and the attention your skin deserves. GraniteRidgeSoapworks: Because only the best will do for your skin. Use the…...

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Watchman: Robb Butler, Executive Director for Who Europe Has Suggested It Is Time for Countries to Have a Conversation About Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines, Saying: “It’s a Healthy Debate to Have” — Death By Kill Shot Is a Healthy Debate? REALLY!

By StevieRay Hansen | August 26, 2023 | 0 Comments

Satan Soldier a.k.a. Robb Butler, executive director for Demonic WHO Europe, told Kay Burley on Sky News: “Mandatory (Kill Shot) vaccination can, but doesn’t always increase uptake.” What The Hell Does That Mean? Be that as it may, he advocated that countries – and individuals – should now be thinking about the issue. “There are warnings of history here where mandates have come at the expense of trust, social inclusion. So it is very delicate, but we believe it is time to have that discussion, from a human being and population-based perspective.” Cases are rising again in much of Europe – clearly in the case of countries like Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, with the latter going back into an absolute lockdown as a result. Satan Soldier Butler said only 54% of the population of the 53 WHO Europe region […]


Kill Shot And The Long-Term Dangers Of Experimental MRNA Shots

By StevieRay Hansen | April 26, 2023 | 1 Comment

“Let’s start with a thought experiment: If an engineering design flaw exists and no one measures it, can it really injure people or kill them?” a Twitter user named Ehden writes.1 He goes on to discuss an overlooked aspect of the COVID mRNA shots, something called “codon optimization,” which virtually guarantees unexpected results. Ehden explains:2 “Trying to tell your body to generate proteins is hard for many reasons. One of them is the fact that when you try to run the protein information via ribosomes which process that code and generate the protein, it can be very slow or can get stuck during the process. Luckily, scientists found a way to overcome this problem, by doing code substitution: instead of using the original genetic code to generate the protein, they changed the letters in the code so the code would be […]


Official Data: Nearly All ‘Covid’ Kill Shot Deaths In August And September Occurred In The Fully Vaccinated — WHO’s NEXT!

By StevieRay Hansen | January 9, 2022 | 3 Comments

I SRH, fiercely defend my anti-Vaccine position, and advocate a pro-God, pure immune system for all true Believers. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the United Kingdom has released a new dataset showing that 81 percent of everyone who died in the month of September [and 80% in August] after testing “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was “fully vaccinated” in accordance with government guidelines. The Record: 80% of “Covid-19” deaths from AUGUST and 81% “Covid-19” deaths from SEPTEMBER. That’s huge! Update: Johns Hopkins data provides further proof that COVID shots cause the majority of illness and death around the world. In the U.K. alone during the month of September, some 30,305 people died within 21 days of getting injected for the Chinese Flu. This was an inadvertent admission by the ONS, which had previously told inquiring minds that “they do not hold this information.” […]


The Real Reason Vaccines Are Being Pushed So Hard, Kill Shot — Tribulation

By StevieRay Hansen | September 21, 2021 | 0 Comments

FakeBook, Tweeter Gab, and YouTube Are Un-Reliable News Source/ J. D. Rucker, writing at provides food for thought to those who are suspicious of why the vaccines are being pushed so hard. He writes: When writing an opinion piece with a “reveal,” it behooves authors to build up to their climax in which they announce their profound findings in or near their article’s conclusion. In this case, I’m supposed to set up my “reveal” of the real reason they’re pushing vaccines so hard. I’m choosing to explain what it is first, then I will demonstrate why this is not only true but also ludicrous and very concerning. The answer is annoyingly simple on the surface, but when we dig into the motives of those who are actually in power over this situation, we realize just how complex it all is. They […]


Kill Shot: Israel Proves Vaccinations Cause Covid

By StevieRay Hansen | August 25, 2021 | 0 Comments

Israel is one of the world’s most highly jabbed countries for protection against flu/covid — not gotten. On Monday, Haaretz reported that over 78 percent of Israelis were jabbed. Yet outbreaks in the country are surging, mostly among jabbed Israelis. The number of serious cases is at six-month high. Efforts to contain outbreaks by booster jabs made a bad situation worse. Jabs greatly increase the risk of contracting the viral illness, not the other way around. The CDC calls Israel a high-risk country — US citizens advised against travelling there. On Thursday, Haaretz said Israeli doctors are ‘buckling under the load” of flu/covid outbreaks as “calls from patients soar.” Family doctors have been “pushed…to the brink of crisis.” The same applies to overloaded Israeli hospitals. The remedy not taken is cessation of jabbing… Soon we could see health officials pushing a second booster, a third, and on […]


The Vaxxed Are Sheep Being Led To Their Slaughter

Source: HNewsWire   HNewsWire    HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
[email protected]

I’m not injecting an unneeded, untested, and rushed concoction with no long-term data into my arm–not least one vended by convicted criminals (Pfizer) and pushed by pocket-lining politicians.

Depressingly though, the mandating of said experimental procedure is now being rolled-out across the globe. This is our reality. And even more concerning: only the minority are pushing back.

Those in charge have lied at every corner. Vaccines were supposed to spell the end of this nightmare. Original CDC guidelines stated that ‘once vaccinated you can’t catch COVID’. That was a demonstrable lie, clearly. Because not only can you still catch COVID after being vaccinated, but the efficacy of the shots has been shown to wane rapidly. Hence now that booster shots are required, as are boosters for the boosters.

One thought on “HNewsWire: It’s Not the China Virus That’s Going to Kill Us, It Will Be the Kill Shots That Satan Soldiers Are Promoting in Some Cases Advocating Mandatory Compliance With Their Ungodly Concoction, Death Will Follow

  1. Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected – Vaccine Deaths and Injuries to Follow

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