Klaus Schwab’s Map to the Great Reset.


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“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

The world economic forum most certainly does not have our best interest in mind, and plans to take advantage of the “window of opportunity” that the plandemic has provided for them. Above is a graph made by Klaus with seven points revolving around the goal. The Great Reset.

These seven points are in question:

  • Strengthening Regional Development.
  • Revitalizing Global Cooperation.
  • Developing Sustainable Business Models.
  • Restoring the Health of the Environment.
  • Redesigning Social Contracts, Skills and Jobs.
  • Shaping the Economic Recovery.
  • Harnessing the 4th Industrial Revolution.

As profoundly vague as some of these points are, that’s good for Klaus. Because that means he can make up the rules as he goes. With broad strokes of totalitarianism, the perfect world can be manufactured in Klaus’ mind.

Strengthening Regional Development

As i stated above, most of these are very vague and nothing seems to come up on the World Economic Forum’s site when you search ‘Strengthening Regional Development World Economic Forum’. However the United nations has a heavy PDF packet of information linked here detailing their intentions in ‘Meeting the Challenges in an Era of Globalization by Strengthening Regional Development Cooperation’. That’s the very long drawn out title of this packet. I’d advise anyone reading to look into this packet and note that there are obvious economic benefits to their plan. That has to happen so they can prop up their social constructs and new age social norms.

The great reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy be a wake up call. it is imperative that we reimagine, rebuild, redesign, reinvigorate, and rebalance our world. Rebalancing investment, harnessing science and technology, and advancing the transition to net zero emissions. All these are fundamental elements to the great reset, and are fundamental to building the future we need.

Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Revitalizing Global Cooperation

Once more, a vague mention of global cooperation. There is so much room for biblical prophecy to be fulfilled when Klaus brings world peace into the picture. Because technocracy isn’t the common mans idea of a peaceful world. Only time will tell us what the WEF has in mind to instill global cooperation.

Developing Sustainable Business Models

The World Economic forum posted an article on its site named ‘A business model for sustainability’. Which detailed how ‘Business leaders must recognize that in global value chains, there is no way to outsource environmental or social responsibility. On the contrary, multinational companies can and must use their extended supply chains to drive change and improve the quality of life in the markets where they operate.‘ To drive it home, they brought in global emissions data projections for up to the mid century according to their plans.

Restoring The Health Of The Environment

Ultimately this rabbit-hole leads to technological symbiosis in which biology merges with technology. But Klaus doesn’t want that point to be brought to the table. In the mean time, the concerns addressed by the WEF are more so targeted towards restoring the balance. Which could easily be done with the conscious and physical embrace of the 4th industrial revolution. We’re already seeing that with the fundamental practice of MRNA technology as researchers have found ways to use modified mRNA to make advances in anti-aging research.

Redesigning Social Contracts, Skills and Jobs

Basically, this is the implication that we’re going to see parallel infrastructure between physical reality, and the digital world. Both providing a new perspective on reality. The Adecco Group wrote an article backing the inevitable movement and detailed their high expectations in the quote below.

Discussing how the pandemic will impact our economies, Andrey Kostin, President and Chairman of the Management Board of Russia’s VTB Bank, said that while we all have embraced digital tools as a quick fix, people will not want to live like this forever. He warned that too high expectations are currently pinned to digital companies, which could potentially lead to asset bubbles further down the road. Mr. Shanmugaratnam believes that the world will need to adjust to the new reality. The possible solution is some form of a hybrid economy that marries both reliance on digital tools and face-to-face interaction.

The next point is Shaping the Economic Recovery. But theres no reason for a header because it’s merely the execution of all these plans that leads to the economic recovery in the first place. With that being said, it all ties back into the fourth industrial revolution. Klaus is very intent on ushering it in, so let’s talk about it.

Harnessing The 4th Industrial Revolution

It’s no surprise that someone would step up and attempt to harness a wildfire of technological innovation. Nor is it a surprise that people are wise enough to know it’s not a good idea.The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies.

It’s the collective force behind many products and services that are fast becoming indispensable to modern life. Things like GPS systems that suggest the fastest route to a destination, voice-activated virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri, personalized Netflix recommendations, and Facebook’s ability to recognize your face and tag you in a friend’s photo.

So if you take this information into account, and watch American politics through the lense Klaus Schwab’s intentions, you’ll have a pretty wide frame of reference. It’s not far fetched to say that a technocratic dystopia is just over the horizon. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

The Pew Research Center has recently released its 12th annual report on how 198 nations and territories infringe on its citizens’ religious rights. The new report compares data from the pre-pandemic period of 2019 to the latest year with available data across more than a dozen United Nations, U.S., European, and civil society sources.

The report revealed that across 57 nations or 29% have shown “very high” or “high” levels of government restrictions, matching a peak from 2012, Christianity Today reported. This is a small increase of one nation from 2018’s records. According to the report, the global median on Pew’s 10-point scale remained at 2.9 following a steady rise since the baseline of 1.8 in 2007, when the report first began measuring such metrics.

Nations in the Middle East and North Africa had the highest score of government restrictions with 6.0, followed by the Asia Pacific at 4.1, Europe with 209, the Sub-Saharan African nations with 2.6, and the Americas with 2.0. Among the different types of government restrictions, the most common was “government harassment of religious groups.” About 9 out of 10 nations or a total of 180 showed at least one incident. Another most common type of government restriction is “government interference in worship,” which 8 out of 10 nations or 163 total recorded incidents.

The report also found that about half or 48% of nations used force against religious groups, led by China, Myanmar, Sudan, and Syria with more than 10,000 incidents each. According to Pew, “Renewed fighting between the military and armed ethnic organizations in the [Myanmar] states of Kachin and northern Shan ‘deeply impacted’ Christians, according to USCIRF. In 2019, thousands were displaced-including many Christians-in addition to more than 120,000 Rohingya who already had been internally displaced, and the military damaged over 300 churches.”

In China, “restrictions” is a loosely used word to describe the communist state’s activities against the Uyghurs, Christians, and other religious minorities. Proof of which was evident during the first ever World Uyghur Congress, a non-governmental tribunal organized by a group of lawyers, professors and advocacy groups to expose China’s human rights abuses against religious minorities.

Such abuses include intense surveillance, acts of genocide, mass detention, repression, and sterilization, The Guardian reported. In fact, a former Chinese police detective has spoken to CNN about how authorities attack and take Uyghurs at night when they least expect it. Upon their capture, they are subjected to abuse and are forced to confess. The youth are beaten up and both men and women are raped by prison guards.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian maintains, “The so-called genocide in Xinjiang is nothing but a rumor backed by ulterior motives and an outright lie.”

If you hadn’t noticed yet, the freedom that America provides is what’s standing between us, and the Christians in Myanmar being trampled over. But that’s not to say we aren’t ostracized and made to look like domestic terrorists. Perhaps this is stage one, where society comes to the conclusion that we’re in the way of their breakaway society. Our morals are in the way of their goals; We’re merely a stepping stone in the eyes of the elite. Little do they know, Jesus is king & their plans will fail. Revelations 20:9 states “And there came down fire from God out of heaven and devoured them: and the devil, who seduced them, was cast into the pool of fire and brimstone, where both the beast and the false prophet shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” I choose Jesus. Stay inquisitive in the word of God, and the world around you.

Sources: BibliaChristianityDailyTheGuardian



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