New York’s Coronavirus Death Toll Passes 15,000: Live Updates


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Cuomo Insisted It Wasn’t God, in Fact He Took Full Responsibility, the Problem Is Cuomo Is a Complete Moron Who Doesn’t Want God’s HELP, So He Shouldn’t Complain About the End Result Which Has Been Devastating to the Folks of New York City.


  • German biotech company begins clinical trials for vaccine
  • Oxford U. begins human testing for vaccine
  • FT says UK coronavirus deaths 2x+ official number
  • NY death toll passes 15k
  • Trump: “Our Country is starting to OPEN FOR BUSINESS”
  • Chinese scientist finds deadly new coronavirus mutations
  • Cali officials reveal first US coronavirus death occurred weeks earlier than realized
  • Dominic Raab says at least 69 health-care workers have died in the UK
  • South Korea unveils ‘New Deal’-style stimulus

Back in New York, Cuomo reiterated several of his points from the last few days, namely that the state intends to proceed with widespread antibody testing as soon as possible (a strategy that might produce some unpleasant surprises, according to recent data) while also again bashing the federal government for failing to supply the state with an endless river of tests. Any NY reopening plan must be firmly rooted in testing, Cuomo said (despite Dr. Fauci’s comment that testing everybody doesn’t need to be a priority to reopen the economy).

Finally, PA reported a jump in new cases and deaths that reflected new cases from earlier this month that had initially been left out of official totals.


Many of these involved patients and residents in managed-care facilities like – you guessed it – nursing homes…

The charts are quite striking. To say that NY/NJ is the epicenter is almost an understatement.Quote Tweet

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

‘God Did Not Do That’: Gov. Cuomo Tries To Steal Glory from God for Flattening CurveDuring a Monday news conference, Gov. Cuomo managed to alienate many New Yorkers with his words about the role religion played in the COVID-19

Cuomo flashes The 666

Update (1330ET): New York has reached another grim milestone: the state’s death toll has surpassed 15k on Wednesday, though the pace of deaths continued to slow.

Texas, meanwhile, reported another 18% jump in new cases.

*      *      *

Update (1205ET): Though it sounded almost as if he was speaking to his fellow governors, Cuomo urged local officials in his state to “resist political pressure” to reopen their towns too early, warning that they might risk ruining all the hard work of the American people. “We make a bad move, it’s going to set us back…Frankly, this is no time to act stupidly. Period. I don’t know how else to say it,” Cuomo said.ABC News@ABC

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo implores local officials to resist “political pressure to open.”

“We make a bad move, it’s going to set us back…Frankly, this is no time to act stupidly. Period. I don’t know how else to say it.” 

Embedded video

Just trying to count the lies that are now generally accepted axiomatic truths in the dumbed-down public square can test your adult judgment and patience. The ice caps are melting. The polar bears are drowning. Oil is running out. Oil is pollution the planet. SUVs are causing global warming. Silly little legislated light bulbs can save the planet. Plastic going into land fills is dooming the planet. If you don’t get your flu shot you’re going to die. The American Constitution is causing children to die. Heterosexuality is perverse (it must be, because homosexuality is natural.) This problem – whatever it is – is too big for anyone but the federal government to solve. This problem – whatever it is – is too big for just one federal government to solve.

The Un-Godly — Those That Suppress the Truth, the social media giants built multi-billion dollar empires by giving everyone a voice, but now that they have such a dominant position on the Internet they have decided that many prominent conservative voices should be completely silenced.

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Cuomo added: “This is not the time for confusion or disagreement among government…”local laws can’t counteract state laws, anyway.”

“We can’t have people lose their life because we acted imprudently.”

In other news, Italy reported a jump in new cases, while the pace of new deaths continued to slow. 3,370 new patients tested positive yesterday, said Italy’s Civil Protection Service, compared with an increase of 2,729 the day before (Italy’s countrywide total is 187,327). Deaths continued to slow, with another 437 new deaths reported, compared with 534 new deaths a day ago, as the curve continues to slow at a rate that’s even surprising some of Italy’s leading scientists. In total, 25,085 Italians have died – with deaths in the country moving above 25k, becoming only the second country to hit this number after the US.

Another 54,543 Italians have recovered, including another 2,943 declared “recovered” over the last day, an increase of +5.7% as more patients finally recover from the illness. Of course, as we’ve noted, many patients who struggle in serious condition for days or weeks have a higher likelihood of suffering long-term consequences.

*      *      *

Update (1130ET): One day after Singapore extended its lockdown until the end of June amid a stunning resurgence in coronavirus infections involving the city’s migrant workers, the city-state has reported another record jump in new cases.

The Health Ministry reported 1,016 new cases of coronavirus, bringing its total to 10,141 cases in total. Of the new cases confirmed over the last day, 1,001 of them were foreigners, likely mostly migrant workers.

Meanwhile, during Wednesday’s press conference, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned “what we do today, we will see the results in 3, or 4, or 5 days”, since most of the worst viral cases tend to manifest within 10 or 11 days, tops, though some cases have taken far longer.

His big theme is that New Yorkers have arrived at a “profound moment” in history, where everybody will be judged for their actions during the reopening. “If we get reckless today, we’ll suffer the consequences tomorrow.”

*      *      *

Update (0810ET): President Trump is starting the day by once again encouraging the ‘reopen now’ protesters and courting even more responsibility for the eventual outcome of the reopening – something that we’ve repeatedly argued is a boneheaded political strategy.Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

States are safely coming back. Our Country is starting to OPEN FOR BUSINESS again. Special care is, and always will be, given to our beloved seniors (except me!). Their lives will be better than ever…WE LOVE YOU ALL!170KTwitter Ads info and privacy57K people are talking about thisDonald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

I will be signing my Executive Order prohibiting immigration into our Country today. In the meantime, even without this order, our Southern Border, aided substantially by the 170 miles of new Border Wall & 27,000 Mexican soldiers, is very tight – including for human trafficking!123KTwitter Ads info and privacy38.4K people are talking about this

The president also affirmed plans to sign his executive order prohibiting immigration into the US for 60 days.

*      *        *

Now that the Senate has passed the $484 billion relief bill to top off the ‘Paycheck Protection Program’ (which hasn’t been able to make any new loans in five days), Washington reporters claim that the House should follow that up with a vote on Thursday, before hopefully sending it to the president’s desk.

Last night, we reported on a new study out of China authored by the same scientist who first proposed Beijing’s lockdown plan that highlighted some troubling new discoveries that might complicate the quest for a vaccine. The researchers isolated and analyzed new mutant strains of the virus that appeared to be much more ‘aggressive’ (i.e. likely deadlier) than earlier strains. Furthermore, these deadlier strains were not only found to carry higher viral loads – making them much more infectious – but they were also found to have genetic similarities to strains isolated in New York and Europe, potentially explaining the strikingly high mortality rates.

During the early days of the US response, Dr. Fauci and others insisted that there was “no evidence” of any significant mutations in the virus that might impede research into a possible vaccine. While that might have been true given the evidence at the time, clearly, it no longer is.

Whether this leads to a revision in vaccine timeline targets remains to be seen, but we would be surprised to see any such information released through official channels.

Curiously, the only vaccine-related news we’re seeing on Wednesday are reports about two companies, one German, one British, that have just received a ‘green light’ to move on to the next phase of vaccine-related study.

German biotech company BioNTech will become the first European company to proceed to clinical trials of a potential COVID-19 vaccine after receiving regulatory approval to accelerate the firm’s testing. Presumably, the firm’s experimental vaccine has already shown some success in preliminary human studies – typically a prerequisite before moving on to clinical trials. The German Federal Institute for Vaccines was responsible for issuing the approval.

The Times of London reported last night that the first British human trials of a coronavirus vaccine will start on Wednesday as Britain ‘throws everything it has’ at developing a vaccine, according to Health Secretary Matt Hancock. Scientists in Oxford are expected to begin to test the safety of their experimental vaccine. Hancock also announcing another £20 million in funding to speed the quasi-public project through larger-scale human trials over the summer, as well as £22.5 million for a parallel vaccine project at Imperial College London.

For anybody hoping that these early-stage triumphs might herald an even earlier time-frame for a vaccine, try not to get too excited: Remember the words of Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief scientific adviser, who once warned that every vaccine is a “long shot”.

However, the biggest bombshell to drop overnight was probably a statement from health authorities in California that the first coronavirus deaths in the US likely occurred weeks earlier than initially thought. Officials told the local press that forensic scientists in Santa Clara had discovered two autopsies on people who had died undiagnosed at home on Feb. 6 and Feb. 17 that showed signs of COVID-19.

A third death on March 6 was also found to be caused by COVID-19. The first virus-related death in the US was reported in California on Feb. 26.

“These three people died at home at a time when testing was very limited and only possible to get via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” the forensics department said. Tests at that time were only available to people who returned from high-risk areas, or those who went to a doctor with serious and obvious coronavirus symptoms. Notably, a recent study in Santa Clara County also found that the viral penetration in the area was “50-80x higher” than official statistics suggested.

As India begins the process of reopening its economy, a new issue is arising: Indian doctors and nurses report that they have been subjected to horrifying treatment at the hands of their fellow townspeople and community members, as family members of dead patients have, in some cases, attacked doctors for failing to save their family member. The situation has gotten so bad that a funeral procession for a doctor who died fighting the virus was attacked by an angry mob, forcing the doctor’s family and colleagues to flee. A colleague returned later to dig a grave for his friend.

To try and stop doctors from simply walking off the job as India’s rate of confirmed infections climbs above 20k and the bodies continue to pile up, the Indian government has, at the behest of the Indian Medical Association, issued an emergency order making violence against health-care professionals a serious crime. Doctors around the country have said they will observe a “Black Day” on Friday, with any opting to wear black armbands to identify themselves as health-care workers.

Spain announced a slight relaxation of its five-week lockdown earlier this week when the government caved to popular demands that children under the age of 14 be allowed to leave their homes unaccompanied by an adult.

And now, as Spain’s rate of deaths ticks higher, PM Pedro Sanchez is pushing ahead with his plan to extend the lockdown until May 9, asking his country’s parliament to approve the extension, which he first announced days ago. Sanchez said that the lifting of the quarantine order must be “slow and gradual” to save lives.

“The general requirement to stay at home will not be lifted until we are prepared,” he said, although he added that in future the conditions of the lockdown “will not be the same as up to now,” with shifts in the rules in the second half of May.

Finally, an FT analysis of data released by the ONS has determined that the actual death toll from COVID-19 across the UK might be as high as 41k, more than double the roughly 17.5k ‘official’ death toll according to the Department of Health and Social Care. Here’s more on that from FT reporter Chris Giles.Chris Giles@ChrisGiles_

NEW: The excess UK deaths linked to coronavirus are likely to be around


as of yesterday, not the 17,337 of the hospital deaths announcements

Here is the explanation for that estimate, which I will update daily

1/11.4KTwitter Ads info and privacy8,110 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

The article explaining the calculations is here

2/ …Pandemic death toll twice as high as official figureFT estimate has been updated to reflect latest mortality trendsft.com1,188Twitter Ads info and privacy748 people are talking about this

The methods are simple and involve no forecasting of how the Covid-19 pandemic will progress.

It is just an updating model – taking the best data from @ONS, the best concept (all cause mortality), and removing the delays in producing that data in a conservative way

3/645Twitter Ads info and privacy200 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

The methods are simple and involve no forecasting of how the Covid-19 pandemic will progress.

It is just an updating model – taking the best data from @ONS, the best concept (all cause mortality), and removing the delays in producing that data in a conservative way

3/645Twitter Ads info and privacy200 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

It is easily checked and every week, when the ONS data is published, will be a test to see whether it is on track or not.

So far, it has proved remarkably accurate and we haven’t published until now so we could check it was not giving a false steer

4/674Twitter Ads info and privacy183 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

We know that linked to Coronavirus there have been many excess deaths since mid-March – In England and Wales, there have been 15,161 cumulatively in the ONS data already published.

Excess deaths is death registrations compared with the recent five year average.

5/575Twitter Ads info and privacy206 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

The England and Wales chart, compared with the previous 50 years shows this is not a normal seasonal flu

Carl Henegan, professor of evidence based medicine at Oxford university, says: “I don’t think we’ve ever seen such a sharp upturn in deaths at that rate”

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1,545Twitter Ads info and privacy1,017 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

But the excess deaths are just as pronounced in Scotland – figures from the National Records of Scotland

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572Twitter Ads info and privacy236 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

And for Northern Ireland

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493Twitter Ads info and privacy199 people are talking about thisChris Giles@ChrisGiles_Replying to @ChrisGiles_

But these data come with big delays. In England & Wales, the data published on April 21, refers to death registrations in the week ending April 10 and there is an average delay between death and registration of 4 days.

So it relates to deaths in week to 6 April467Twitter Ads info and privacy166 people are talking about this

Following the report’s release, UK Foreign Minister Dominic Raab announced that the death toll of UK health care workers has climbed to 69, significantly higher than the previous number.

And in South Korea, while the world waits to learn more about what’s going on with KJU, South Korean President Moon Jae-in unveiled a $32.4 billion relief package for hard-hit businesses, while pushing for a New Deal-style program that would put out-of-work South Koreans to work building new national projects. Source: ZeroHedge HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

The accumulating death toll from Covid-19 can be seen minute-by-minute on cable news channels. But there’s another death toll few seem to care much about: the number of poverty-related deaths being set in motion by deliberately plunging millions of Americans into poverty and despair.

American health care, as we call it today, and for all its high-tech miracles, has evolved into one of the most atrocious rackets the world has ever seen. By racket, I mean an enterprise organized explicitly to make money dishonestly.

All the official reassurances won’t be worth a bucket of warm spit. The Globals are behind the CoronaVirus, It Is a Man-Made Bioweapon.

The 127 Faith Foundation understands the pain and sorrow associated with being a throwaway child, We push this throwaway child towards bettering their education, be it junior-college are going for a Masters’s degree. This program is about them because they determine by the grace of God if they’re going to be a pillar in the community or a burden on society. Some of the strongholds orphans deal with are: fear, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, apathy, unbelief, depression, anxiety, lust, anger, pride, and greed. Many of these strongholds do open the door to addiction. Please Help The


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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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