Ottawa Protest Against Tyrannical COVID-19 Legislature Update 02/05/22.


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According to a lawyer representing organizers of the Freedom Convoy opposing COVID-19 directives in Ottawa, the additional tactics outlined by the head of Ottawa police against truck convoy protesters are similar to those used by authoritarian regimes around the world.

Keith Wilson, a lawyer with the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), said in a video on Feb. 4 that “He effectively announced that he is going to be taking away Canadians’ charter right of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression,”

In a press conference on February 4, Chief Peter Sloly of the Ottawa Police Service said that police will use a “surge and contain approach” to deal with the protesters camped in Ottawa.

The strategy calls for 150 additional police officers to be deployed to the protest area in Ottawa’s downtown core, as well as “enhanced efforts” by national, provincial, and local intelligence agencies to target individuals “funding/supporting/enabling unlawful and harmful activity” by protestors.

“Our residents are frustrated and they are angry. They have every right to be. Their lives continue to be severely impacted by unlawful and unsafe events,” Sloly said.

“Officers and our partners will be focused on illegal activity associated with the demonstrators. Surge will deliver a clear message to the demonstrators: Lawlessness must end.”

The demonstrators in the core area, according to Sloly, “are well organized, well-funded, and intensely devoted to defying all attempts to safely stop the demonstration.”

Sloly’s announcements, according to Wilson, are “disturbing” and should “trouble Canadians and those around the world who support this trucker protest for freedom.”

He stated “The police chief essentially announced an assault on the protesters. He announced that very specific measures that we normally only see instituted by oppressive regimes around the world, would be initiated,” 

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, preliminary data reveals a decrease in police-reported street crime since the protest began in downtown Ottawa.

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, there were 31 police calls for crimes such as robbery, assault, drug trafficking, public intoxication, and other crimes in the Ottawa district where the protest is held in the week prior to the protest, but only three reports of street crime since the protests began.

In a press conference on Feb. 4, Tom Marazzo, who is assisting the organizers as a police liaison, said Sloly’s “statements and actions” have “deliberately set the conditions for potential violence against the peaceful protesters of the Freedom 2022 Convoy.”

“The OPS is fully aware many of their ongoing investigations are initiated as a result of the truckers reporting incidents that they have witnessed. This protest has been peaceful. We have been cooperating and will continue to cooperate with the OPS and PPS [Parliamentary Protective Service],” Marazzo stated.

The Freedom Convoy, according to Marazzo, does not condone aggressive or violent behavior, and anyone who engages in such behavior should be held personally responsible.

He went on to say that while Ottawa taxpayers call the city home, all tax-paying Canadians refer to Ottawa as the nation’s capital. Many Ottawa citizens have invited the demonstrators to their homes for meals or relaxation, according to him.

The JCCF claimed in a statement on Feb. 4 that it had learnt that closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) in downtown Ottawa, where the protest is taking place, had been turned off for the length of the protests, and that it had asked city officials to turn them back on.

Yet Jason Moore, a spokesperson for the city of Windsor recently told fact checkers that “the cameras locally have been shut off for a year now due to a back end system changeover and we have not gotten them back online yet.” adding that it has nothing to do with the protests against tyrannical COVID-19 legislature.

“These cameras do not actually show what is happening on the ground in downtown Ottawa. For safety reasons we strongly urge you to remedy this situation and restore live feed from those CCTV cameras. It is imperative that law enforcement and the public have access to video footage, in order to know what is actually occurring in and around the protest,” Eva Chipiuk, a staff lawyer at the JCCF, said in a statement.

“Canadians have the legal right to protest peacefully in their capital city. The freedom of peaceful assembly is expressly protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Freedom Convoy has always been clear that it supports only peaceful assembly.”

The Freedom Convoy movement originated as a protest by truck drivers who were opposed to the federal government’s COVID-19 cross-border travel rules. However, it has garnered a large number of supporters from throughout Canada who wish to repeal all COVID-19 mandates and limitations.

On Jan. 29, protesters gathered in Ottawa, and many say they want to stay until the COVID-19 mandates are withdrawn. Trucks and other vehicles are parked in Parliament’s downtown centre, and demonstrators’ horn blasting may be heard throughout the day.

Marazzo claimed he has a good working relationship with local cops and members of the OPS and PPS, but not with the police chiefs.

“In my negotiations with them, they have chosen to take the posture of a hostage negotiation rather than working toward a safe, peaceful, and responsible relationship that may exist for months to come,” he stated.

Many media coverage have incorrectly associated crimes committed by others with the demonstrators, according to Daniel Bulford, a former RCMP officer who left the force because of the vaccine mandate and is now assisting the protest organizers.

He went on to say that the protesting truckers in Ottawa had been vandalized.

At a press conference on February 4, Bulford stated, “Many trucks have been vandalized and spray-painted throughout the night.”

All we can do is pray for these brave individuals who are placing themselves between us and the twisted tyranny chalked up by the likes of Klaus Schwab and his constituents. Make no mistake, there are people out there who aren’t exactly under an illusion that support this tyranny. They’re unapologetically radicalized, and they have support from organizations like the World Economic Forum, The United Nations, Centers for Disease Control, and the list goes on. The bible describes a grave illusion cast upon society during the end times, many don’t have the time of day or mental capacity to identify a globalist threat cloaked as a pandemic response.

The French government passed a new law on Monday that prohibits unvaccinated people from visiting most public places, including restaurants, bars, tourist attractions, and sports arenas.

Those who have just recovered from the disease are exempt from the policy, which applies to everyone aged 16 and up who has not been vaccinated against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

Since last summer, going to any cafe, museum, or movie theater, as well as taking a regional rail or domestic flight, requires a “health pass.” Unvaccinated people could activate the pass until Monday by having a recent negative test.

The new campaign comes as French health officials express concern that the European country is experiencing an increase in COVID-19 infections, with France recording Europe’s highest-ever daily CCP virus infection counts.

According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, France has a higher inoculation rate than the rest of Europe, with approximately 76 percent of its people fully vaccinated, compared to 69.7% in EU and European Economic Area (EEA).

The country’s vaccine pass has been updated as part of President Emmanuel Macron’s goal to make life so tough for unvaccinated people that they would be obliged to get vaccinated.

Critics have questioned Macron’s decision, claiming that the vaccine exemption will have little impact in a country where 94% of adults have previously received at least one vaccine shot.

After revealing his COVID-19 vaccination plan, Macron has faced backlash from the public and political opponents, claiming that his objective is to “piss off” people who refuse to receive the shot and make their lives more difficult so that they will eventually get inoculated.

“I’m not for pissing off the French. Now the unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so, we’re going to keep doing it, until the end. This is the strategy,” Macron stated earlier this month in an interview with Le Parisien.

Several days later, the French president reiterated his earlier statement, claiming it was his job to raise the alarm due to the threat presented by the Omicron strain of the CCP virus.

“I stand by my earlier comments,” Macron said, emphasizing that it was the authorities’ responsibility to impose restrictions on individuals who were not vaccinated in order to safeguard those who were.

Children in the 12–17 age range will not be needed to take the booster to be considered “fully vaccinated” under the vaccine pass, but adults will. Meanwhile, on Monday, France made booster shots available to 12- to 17-year-olds.

According to studies, Omicron is less likely to induce serious sickness than the prior Delta variant. Omicron is more easily transmitted than other CCP virus strains, and it has already taken hold in a number of nations. According to studies, it infects persons who have been vaccinated or have been infected by previous generations of COVID-19 more easily.

In the face of a new wave triggered by Omicron, the French government has imposed few other measures, focusing instead on the country’s “vaccine pass,” which was approved by parliament and the Constitutional Council last week.

For months, the country has been rattled by enormous protests against the government’s CCP virus restrictions, including this weekend, when tens of thousands of people around the country protested the new policy, claiming that it will encroach on basic human freedoms.

Since the “vaccine pass” was revealed on Dec. 1, 2021, protesters have taken to the streets to demonstrate against the mandate.

These politicians worldwide are seeking to turn society against itself, these mandates are the proof. It would take an incomprehensible lack of oversight for the manufactured polarization to be a result of the “pandemic”. That’s because it was planned to introduce the old ways of governance. Fully vaccinated individuals are not at liberty to speculate wether or not our God given rights are being violated. People have proven to be cold, inconsiderate, and ignorant about the lack of trust we have in the motives of these politicians. Because every time you follow the money, you can incriminate these people for heinous acts.

Time will tell whether or not the citizens of the EU will buckle under the pressure applied by the tyrannical globalist sell outs. The restrictions imposed on unvaccinated citizens are dehumanizing yet not far from the restrictions imposed on fully vaccinated citizens. This is only to further the synthetic credibility that these government officials seek to attain; Just like Fauci and Schwab. Our prayers go out to freedom loving individuals worldwide, who wish to observe their medical autonomy.

These vaccine passports will be pushed onto America heavily by the UN and other globalist organizations once the two tier system is set in place. Nothing that these tyrants can say or do will convince self aware Christians to relinquish their faith in Christ. 1 Peter 4:12-14 says: “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” Please stay inquisitive the word of God, and the world around you.



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