President Donald Trump Has Accused the Tech Giants of Suppressing Voices, Particularly Christian Conservatives


Advisory: Be careful of what you read on social media. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. Consider God’s promise to Believers in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

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Critics of Christianity have become more vocal recently. This is partly because there are many people who do not believe in God or understand the truth about Him at all. Yet the apparent increase of anti-Christians is also due to perception. As with many topics, those who truly despise Christianity are the loudest and most vocal of the non-believers. The vast majority of those who do not believe don’t care enough to bother believers. The few angry, vocal, bitter unbelievers make enough noise to seem more numerous than they are.

President Donald Trump has accused the tech giants of suppressing voices, particularly Christian conservatives.

Donald Trump has went after Google, Facebook and Twitter, claiming the tech giants are “trying to silence” conservatives. 

The president criticised the social media sites and popular search engine for “really trying to silence a very large part of this country” from the White House on Wednesday afternoon, after tweeting accusations of censorship against the digital entities earlier this week. 

“I think they treat Republicans and conservatives very unfairly,” he said. “It’s not right, it’s not fair, it may not be legal.”

Tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple are at the center of a big investigation by the US government.

In an announcement Monday, the House Judiciary Committee announced plans to launch an in-depth anti-trust probe into the tech companies.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a tweet, “Unwarranted, concentrated economic power in the hands of a few is dangerous to democracy….the era of self-regulation is over.”

Nancy Pelosi@SpeakerPelosi · 17h

Today, everything is connected to the Internet; it is the foundation on which our economy, democracy & attention rest. @HouseJudiciary will begin a long overdue investigation to determine if dominant digital platforms have harmed Americans in the marketplace & the voting booth.

Nancy Pelosi@SpeakerPelosi

Unwarranted, concentrated economic power in the hands of a few is dangerous to democracy – especially when digital platforms control content. The era of self-regulation is over.8,0167:04 PM – Jun 3, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy2,719 people are talking about this

The probe will examine if tech companies are using anti-competitive practices, among other concerns. The investigation comes just days after reports that the Department of Justice is preparing to examine Google’s internal practices and search rankings.
Pressure has been mounting on the government to scrutinize the companies for some time.
President Donald Trump has accused the tech giants of suppressing voices, particularly Christian conservatives.
“I think that Google and Twitter and Facebook are really treading on very, very troubled territory,” he said in the past.
Many conservatives argue they are censored for simply posting conservative ideas.

Conservative Candace Owens was suspended from Facebook after she posted that liberal policies were harmful to black families. After backlash, Facebook claimed the suspension was a mistake and reinstated her account.
“They set up rules that are liberal,” said Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center. “They hire staff who are liberal. The staff give politically to liberal candidates and then when you appeal it you have to talk to the liberal staff and you know it’s just sort of…we’re boxed in on all sides.”
It is an issue that is aligning both Republicans and Democrats and has become a campaign talking point for Democrats running for president.Source  

Both Facebook and Twitter have denied partisan censorship in separate congressional testimonies, while Google responded to the president’s accusations on Tuesday in a statement saying the search engine is “not used to set a political agenda and we don’t bias our results towards any political ideology.”

Wednesday marked the second day in a row in which the president addressed Google and other platforms from the White House, having previously claimed that the search engine was “treading on very, very troubled territory” along with Twitter and Facebook.

StevieRay Hansen

The Birth Pains Are Growing Stronger….

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of man and devils”…
My name is Steve Meyers and I need to share a vision and warning that the Lord showed me back in April 2007….

Many of you will ask why I waited so long to share the warning. I didn’t. I shared the story with everyone that would listen from pastors to friends to family to colleagues. Immediately following the initial vision, I called a close friend. I told him to sit down that I had something to tell him. I needed it documented as I knew this was supernatural and from God. As I witness events unfolding today, I need to share the vision again.

StevieRay Hansen

It is impossible to find anyone in the Bible who was a power for God who did not have enemies and was not hated.

Christians Don’t Hate the LGBT Community
Christians hate the sin of the world and how it hurts Christians and non-Christians alike. But this hate for sin fuels a love for the sinner and a desire that they find freedom from sin through Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on the cross. Disagreement with the LGBT lifestyle does not equate to hatred. On the contrary, it likens to love.

#Antichrist #evildoers #suppressingtruth #birthpains #tribulation #sevenyears #hellonearth # #those that have ears, let him hear, those that have eyes let them see!


Unfortunately, not all alternative sources are reliable, even some Major Christian (and I use Christian loosely) news sources have been corrupted. They will NOT tell the truth. They just parrot the deceptive narratives perpetrated by those who currently control our government and media. Even those who are honestly trying to present the truth can miss it sometimes. There is so much deception out there. In these last days, you must be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs. It is no time to sleep or slumber. Diligence and vigilance are required. It is critical that you think for yourself and not be a Lemming.

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Tagged Under: hnewswire stevie ray hansen, HNewsWire, antichrist, antichrists, Apple, Bible, Big Tech, bigotry, Christian baker, Christianity, Christians, Colorado, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, conservatives, deep state, demonic assault, end of days, end times, Facebook, First Amendment, free speech, Google, hate groups, Hate speech, hatred, hostility, insanity, Instagram, intolerance, Jack Phillips, jesus, Jesus Christ, left cult, Leftists, LGBT mafia, Liberal Mob, lunatics, persecution, Pinterest, prophecy, Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Tribulation, Twitter,Anti Christ, Bible, Blame Game, California, deception, demonic, fascism, free speech, freedom of religion, gender confused, hypocrisy, insanity, insidious gender war, left cult, LGBT, lgbtq, Liberty, lies, Mental illness, nra, oxymoron, religion, religious groups, San Francisco, suicides, terrorists, Tyranny,Big Tech, deception, disinfo, disinformation, Facebook, fake news, freedom of speech, Google, Journalism, lies, mainstream media, manipulation, Microsoft, news cartels, online speech, propaganda, Silicon Valley, tech giants, Twitter



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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