The left is doing what it does best. Throw mud…


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The left is doing what it does best. Throw mud, politicize everything and build obstacles against what they fear the most: letting the American people get free of the whims of politicians.

Star Parker


Good citizens across the nation surely are wondering why, when critical business regarding America’s future needs tending to, the game preoccupying Washington, DC, these days is “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.”

If there is some question about the propriety of conversations that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had with the Russian ambassador, when he was a U.S. senator, let those responsible for investigating this — the intelligence committees in the House and Senate — do their job.

As Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee stated, “That is our job, to gather facts.”

I trust Rubio when he says, “I’m not interested in being part of a witch hunt, but I also will not be part of a cover-up.”

Those who don’t trust our elected officials or our constitutionally sanctioned institutions — who look to appoint special counsels or select congressional committees — are interested in dragging out and politicizing issues for a personal agenda, not in moving forward and efficiently getting done the nation’s business.

If citizens don’t like the job the intelligence committees do, we have elections every two years. This is the way our country works.

First, let’s recall that last November, Donald J. Trump won the presidency and Republicans retained control of both the Senate and the House.

At the same time, Republicans increased their governorships from 31 to 33 states and they now control both houses of legislatures in 32 states. Democrats control both houses in just five states.

The Democratic Party has been very thoroughly defeated. Now it’s time to return the nation, as stated by President Trump, “back to the people.” And those on the left are in panic.

Cut regulations and taxes? Get intrusive government out of the way and let our economy grow? Let businesses operate freely? Let individuals decide what kind of healthcare they need and give them the freedom to buy it? Let parents decide what kind of education is best for their children? Bring a new culture of self-reliance to troubled inner cities and get them off welfare state dependency, which has created an endless cycle of poverty? Beef up the defense budget so that America again stands strong and confident on the international stage?

Now that the American people have chosen this agenda, the only immediate option for those on the left, in panic as they watch their power slip away, is to throw sand in the gears.

One way to slow things down is personal attacks.

This is what is happening with Jeff Sessions.

Meeting with foreign ambassadors is routine business for U.S. senators. It is worthy of a Saturday Night Live skit to think that Sessions held a clandestine meeting, to discuss Trump campaign secrets with the Russian ambassador, in the light of day in his U.S. Senate office, where one of the meetings took place.

The left is doing what it does best. Throw mud, politicize everything and build obstacles against what they fear the most: letting the American people get free of the whims of politicians.

The great interest in Russia these days is just another indicator of the deterioration of America’s unique leadership in the world. This leadership is what must be restored.

A new survey of public attitudes by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research reports, “Seven in ten Americans think the United States is losing its national identity … and less than half express much pride in how democracy is working.”

Not surprising in this time of moral relativism and degradation of law.

Let the congressional intelligence committees do their work, and let’s move forward with the nation’s vital business.



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StevieRay Hansen

In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. Available on Amazon.

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