3 mins read

News About Political RATS Are Getting So Embolden That They Are Now Coming Out Of Their HIDEOUTS……..

December 30, 2023 It is our opinion that by now all the Patriot American Citizens should be well aware that too many unusual events are taking place which are very well Coordinated, Financed and Politically timed to destroy America and The Constitution of The Republic of The United States of America. Therefore, lets review few of the News articles which will expose the Key Individuals and Organizations of the Democrat Party and Democrats Impersonating as Republicans – (RINOs ) that are allegedly Orchestrating this attack on America in collusion with World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Heath Organization, Muslims, Chinese and Russian Communist Parties, Vatican, British Crown, Central Banks, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bilderberg Cabal, Military Industrial Complex etc. etc.   Bushies and NeverTrump team up with Special Counsel Jack Smith to destroy President Trump… December 29, 2023 https://revolver.news/2023/12/bushies-nevertrump-team-up-with-jack-smith-to-destroy-president-trump/ ———————– Alex Jones […]


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