With Friends Like That, Who Needs Enemies?

Dinesh Kaushiva June 13, 2023 This is an old, old saying but it still holds a ‘punch’ that knocks at a person’s door of their conscious to pay attention for other possibilities other than the one they commonly looking for only ‘the foreign enemies who could harm them’ but they forget to look for ‘the domestic enemies in their own back yard who can also harm them’.   The following information is for the purposes of  education, awareness and encouragement as a starting point for every concerned American Citizen to do their own due diligence and NOT to only ‘depend on the Democrat Party’s, Big Pharma’s and The Chinese Communist Party’s controlled media and propaganda narratives.   Before you proceed to review the rest of this write up please consider asking yourself these two questions which no one else seems…

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Hell-On Earth, We Have Come To The End Of Reality Now It’s “Tribulation”

Over the last several decades, have we ever seen a year start as strangely as 2020 has? Global weather patterns have gone completely nuts, large earthquakes are popping off like firecrackers, it looks like the plague of locusts in Africa could soon develop into the worst in modern history, and a massive plague of bats is severely terrorizing parts of Australia. On top of all that, African Swine Fever is wiping out millions upon millions of pigs around the globe, the H1N1 Swine Flu is killing people in Taiwan, there have been H5N1 Bird Flu outbreaks in China and in India, and the H5N8 Bird Flu has made an appearance at a poultry facility in Saudi Arabia. Of course, the coronavirus outbreak which is causing people to literally drop dead in the streets in China is making more headlines than…

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