19 mins read

Watchman’s Warning: If You Trust in the Technology, You Risk Losing Everything as a Reward for Your Faith in Big Tech Google Not!

HNewsWire: by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The technology that America’s infrastructure is now hopelessly dependent upon continues to fail, as it was reported this week that one of the most popular FinTech (Financial Technology) apps, which are supposed to “reinvent” banking by getting rid of such pesky nuisances such as over-draft charges, having to wait until your paycheck clears before having access to funds, and many other wonderful Big Tech promises that have convinced swindled tens of millions of people to open accounts on these FinTech apps, has left millions of customers today without access to their funds on deposit. The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money A dispute between a fintech startup and its banking partners has ensnared potentially millions of Americans, leaving them without access […]


26 mins read

Watchman: “On His Heads Were Blasphemous Names.” This Points Out the Blasphemous Character of These Gentile Powers and Is One of the Key Characteristics of This System of the Future, Especially of Its Leader Musk, Larry Page, Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai, the Anti-Christ Gang

Google Founder And Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Engineers Admit ‘We’re Creating God’… HNewsWire: “On his heads were blasphemous names.” This points out the blasphemous character of these Gentile powers and is one of the key characteristics of this system of the future, especially of its leader. This will be done in three primary ways: (a) by claiming that he is God; (b) by trying to usurp the place of God (2 Thess. 2:4; Dan. 7:8); and (c) by slandering the true God (Rev. 13:6; Dan. 11:36–37; 7:25). Google Founder And Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Engineers Admit ‘We’re Creating God’… HNewsWire: “It’s just the next step in evolution. I’m serious,” Larry Page, the Google  evil co-founder, said. An engineer from Silicon Valley, California, the home to some of the latest and cutting edge technologies in the world, has said that they […]


1 min read


Dinesh Kaushiva August 1, 2023 “TREASON BOMBSHELL: Who REALLY Is Barack Obama? ” Former FBI Agent John D. Souza Explains https://www.onenewspage.com/video/20230801/16006446/TREASON-BOMBSHELL-Who-REALLY-Is-Barack-Obama-Former.htm   John DeSiuza was a Special Agent of the FBI (RET.) – Over 25 years veteran of the FBI and has a YouTube Website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnGY72q8N30AcajWh-XPYFw John DeSouza – YouTube “I AM John DeSouza–Special Agent of the FBI (RET.). I was in for over 25 years. During that time I maintained a TOP SECRET SECURITY CLEARANCE. I worked in the Global War on Terrorism and… ” Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Orphans Support The 127.org Editor’s Bio A Thrilling Ride Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path […]


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