Wall Street & Municipal Banking in Crisis. Global Stock Markets Will Crash. FED’s Fake Money Can’t Prop U.S. Much Longer.

People’s hearts are troubled, their minds are in a state of confusion, the Bible tells us a time of great delusion that will come upon the people, that time has arrived, the politicians must come up with more significant and more believable lies in order to bring on the antichrist, we have entered the Tribulation. Newsletter Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. Subscribe! Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Support Orphans Support The 127.org One Orphans’s Story Editor’s Bio A Thrilling Ride Every once in awhile, a book comes across your path that is impossible to put down. A Long Journey Home is not a casual book that you read in a week or earmark to complete at a later…

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Watchman: In August of Last Year, Harari Stated Unequivocally That the World Does Not “Need the Vast Majority of the Population,” and That Those in Power Are Aiming to Eliminate the “Useless” People. AKA Believer of Christ

SRH: For 2000 Years, They Have Tried and Failed Miserably to Silence God’s Word. So the Walking, Talking Demons of the World Economic Forum Can Go to Hell. HNewsWire: PHARMAKEIA, THE ‘GOD GENE,’ AND JUST WHAT IS THE REAL TARGET OF THE COVID-19 VACCINES THAT WERE FORCED ON US?They arrived at a conclusion after studying 2,000 subjects (1,000 religious, 1,000 non-religious) and measuring gene expressions related to an individual’s religious leanings. They discovered a direct link between one’s desire and natural need to seek God and worship in some form and one’s genes. Several genes influence one’s beliefs, but the VMAT2 gene is the most important for spirituality (religious practices). That was the single gene responsible for a person’s need for God. What would a prescription drug that inhibits the VMAT2 gene do to a person if their findings were…

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HNewsWire: The “Depopulation Agendas”

Shedding Concerns: “It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to Unvaccinated”; yes, vaccinated sheds to unvaccinated (via mRNA naked, in nano-particles, in exosomes, same with spike) Yes, what we felt was one of the gravest nightmares is happening, the vaccinated are and can shed mRNA SAME with spike to those unvaccinated; excreted in sweat, sputum, breast milk, placental barrier… HNewsWire: Shedding’ or ‘transmitting’ is the same damn thing! Let us not play with words. “Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it.” ‘Vaccine mRNA-carrying lipid nanoparticles spread after injection throughout the body according to available animal studies and vaccine mRNA (naked or in nanoparticles or in natural exosomes) is found in the bloodstream as well as vaccine spike in free for more encapsulated in exosomes (shown in…

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Watchman’s List: The Lead Runner For Antichrist: Netanyahu, Marcus, and Erdoan—One of These Ungodly Men Will Lead the World to the Gates of Hell–Tribulation Working Over Time

HNewsWire: Emmanuel Macron Title & Position: President of France, Prince of Andorra Age: 39 years old Born: Amiens, France Matching Biblical descriptors of antichrist: Supports dividing the land of Israel, appears to reject John 14:6/Acts 4:12, Roman ancestry through both sides of his family, claims the title of “Jupiter”, which was the chief pagan god (Daniel 11:36-37), fits the personality mold Notes: He is the leader of one of the two most powerful countries in the E.U., the only technical “prince” on this list (see Daniel 9:26), unquestionably of Roman ancestry, pays homage to Rome and Roman gods and satirically calls himself “Jupiter”, born on Israel’s birthday, came to power in the very year the Tribulation might begin, and won the election with 66.06% of the vote.  He is still very much a mystery.  Macron may fit with Daniel 11:38 more than anyone on this…

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Update: The Antichrist (Benjamin Netanyahu) Will Make His Appearance On The World Stage Soon, Everything is Right on Schedule… Benjamin Netanyahu is an Ashkenazim Jew, Not A Real Bible Jew, He Worships Satan

  HNewsWire Exposes the Elitist’s Ungodly Agenda: You Need the Truth to Make an Informed Decision. God bless you. Please Give You can also send a check to PO Box 127, Pontotoc, TX 76869. Check out the HIMEDIA Group. Netanyahu and the Right Have Regain Power; They’ll Hold It for a Long Time Netanyahu is looking forward to his return to the PM Residence on Balfour Street following Bennett’s interruption is understandable, and poll results have done little to undermine that confidence — and the experts’ talk of continuous gridlock is comprehensible. While Bennett opted not to make Balfour Street his permanent abode, temporary Prime Minister Lapid will live there for the foreseeable future.Bennett has agreed to follow a coalition agreement that states he would be in charge until the Knesset is dissolved and a new coalition is sworn in.…

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Back in the 70’s when I first came to faith in Jesus we were so in love with God that all we could think about was when Jesus would return for us. We all wanted so much to see Him face to face. The Jesus movement was in full swing. And there were people everywhere talking about the signs of His coming. And how we just knew all the signs pointed to His soon return. But, as time went by we discovered more and more about the things that the Bible said needed to happen before that blessed event would take place. The scriptures came alive more and more. Causing many of us to take a step back from our myopic focus on His return. And focused more and more on our relationship with our savior. My love for Jesus…

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Watchman Update: No Rule of Law, No Police, No Leadership, No Free Speech, No Functioning Markets and No Equal Protection Under the Law… You Basically Are on Your Own…

SRH: If you’re surprised and perplexed that totalitarian tyranny is creeping across our country with no pushback, the reason is simple: there is none. The party that lusts to punish its inhabitants for the pleasure of watching them suffer while stealing what they’ve worked for and foreclosing their future appears to be close to capturing government. This is opposed by at least half of the country. Where can they find a party that represents them? A Republican Party would have stood up to curb the horrible excesses of a Democratic Party focused on destroying everything that has allowed people to thrive in this land: property law, economic liberty, free speech, and now even your physical health. It’s also possible that an impeachment investigation in the House will uncover evidence of Mr. Obama’s role in the Biden family’s bribery adventures abroad,…

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New World Order — One World Currency Enslaved by Its False Promises

Acts 5:29 The problem with the acceptance and approval of any New World Order is that no government has ever offered, nor will it ever offer, real hope and peace for mankind. When a man turns to the government to provide worldwide peace and hope, he becomes disillusioned and enslaved by its false promises. History has proven time and again that no quasi-world empire has ever survived, simply because of its innate flaws of greed, corruption, and the quest for power. https://hnewswire.com/those-that-suppress-the-truth/ Calls for a new global monetary regime are nothing new. After World War II left the world’s financial system in disarray, political leaders and financial gurus met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1-22, 1944, to plan the post-war economic order. Economist John Maynard Keynes and the British government proposed the creation of a world currency called…

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Watchman: A Foreboding Symbol Emerges as Iran Unveils the Black Flag of the Mahdi Above an Extravagant Mosque, Casting a Shadow of Volatility–Signs Are Telling Us That a War Between Israel and Hezbollah Is Imminent

HNewsWire: There are whispers in the wind and murmurs of a storm brewing between two ancient adversaries. The signs are etched in the heavenly realms (Bible), foretelling a clash that looms on the horizon. Israel and Hezbollah dance on the precipice of conflict, their destinies intertwined in a delicate balance. The world holds its breath, awaiting the inevitable clash that hangs heavy in the air. Like a swirling vortex, the conflict will draw in both the U.S. and Iran, unable to resist its powerful pull. Imagine a world consumed by chaos, where the very fabric of our existence is threatened. The consequences of such a cataclysmic event would be far-reaching, affecting each and every one of us. There exists a vast collection of missiles in the possession of Hezbollah, ready to be launched towards Israeli cities. Iran, on the other…

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Watchman: The Last Book of the Bible Is Also Known as the Apocalypse, Which Comes From the Word “To Reveal.” Know the Signs

HNewsWire: Just as a wise traveler can read the signs of the changing seasons, so too can we discern the approaching return of Jesus. The Bible reminds us that while the exact hour may elude us, there are indicators that point to the imminent arrival of our Savior. Discover the profound wisdom hidden within this article, which unveils the six divine indicators of the culmination of time. When it comes to the end times, the Bible has some baffling concepts. Mark 13:32 says, “But neither the angels in heaven nor the Son know what day or hour it will be; only the Father knows.” That’s why the angels in heaven don’t know when the end will happen. It looks like no one but Jesus knows when He’ll be back. But in Matthew 24:5-8, Christ talks about the end of the…

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