10 mins read

The Watchman Reports on the World Health Organization and Wannabe Baylor College of Medicine’s Evil Dr. Peter Hotez

Is HNewsWire: Let’s Face It Most Science Is Demonic and So Is Satan Soldier Hotez: Every Three Months We Might Demand Another Kill Shot Booster Hotez is a Liar Read The Commentary Below Dr. Ioannidis first expressed this sentiment early in the pandemic, writing on March 17th, 2020 that “A positive test for coronavirus does not mean necessarily that this virus is always primarily responsible for a patient’s demise”. Though this belief has since become widespread, this is the earliest instance I found of someone asserting that the virus might not to blame when someone dies after contracting it. The idea that many people are dying with the virus, not from the virus, remained a feature of his interviews and publications. It’s worth quoting Dr. Ioannidis’s statements in full: Now, your point that we’re literally counting, as opposed to estimating, […]


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