Students at Clearwater High School in Florida

Have Been Warned by Satan Soldiers That They Will Be “Re-Educated” on the Importance of Wearing a Mask… What we are seeing in these last days is the rise of lawless people who will embrace the Lawless One. They oppose all biblical truth. They are against every one of God’s Ten Commandments. If God said it was evil, they will claim they know better. The world has always had evil people but modern communications along with mass indoctrination is allowing doctrines of error and doctrines of demons to spread like a plague over the entire world. The evils that use to be local and isolated are now worldwide in scope and they are flagrant. Parents have been misled by the modern world. God instructed parents to raise up a child in the way they should go but parents foolishly gave…

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Take Notice: FDA Has NOT — Will NOT

Approve Any Covid-19 Vaccine Because Of This… States, the medical mafia, or sick politicians pushing the already proven to be deadly, experimental Covid-19 vaccines, while claiming they are safe, and FDA approved, are simply lying through their teeth, in the name of profit and control. Emergency use, experimental vaccines, must meet the following criteria: (1) There must be informed consent. The vaccine recipient must be informed of the contents of the vaccine dose, and any known possible side effects, before taking the experimental dose. Making experimental vaccines mandatory in any circumstance is absolutely forbidden under the law. (2) The experimental vaccines can be approved for emergency use ONLY if there are NO OTHER OPTIONS FOR TREATMENT of a symptom. (3) The symptom must be more life threatening than side effects of the experimental vaccine. Watch a 55 second clip from…

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Satan Soldiers A.k.a Politicians and MSM Compare Those

Who Question Vaccine Safety to “Domestic Terrorists”… In December, Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal — who is not a doctor, nor a scientist and holds only a bachelor’s degree in history — proposed a massively controversial bill that would mandate the COVID-19 vaccination for New Yorkers. Naturally, this was met with massive resistance from those who advocate for informed consent. As TFTP has reported, the COVID-19 vaccine itself is controversial given its rush to market. Never before in history has a vaccine been developed and approved in under 9 months. By the very definition, this vaccine’s long term results are entirely unknown making it experimental. Since the FDA has fast tracked these vaccines, those who don’t blindly trust in them are being labelled as kooks and anti-vaxxers. However, the reality is that these vaccine manufacturers and their government enablers have given us every…

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IBM’s ‘Demon’ Digital Health Pass, the Mass Tracking

App Will Allows People to “Return to the Activities and Things They Love…” And that no man might buy or sell – That is, this mighty power would claim jurisdiction over the traffic of the world, and endeavor to make it tributary to its own purposes. Compare Revelation 18:11-13, Revelation 18:17-19. This is represented by saying that no one might “buy or sell” except by its permission; and it is clear that where this power exists of determining who may “buy and sell,” there is absolute control over the wealth of the world. ARMONK, NEW YORK — IBM is partnering with Covid-19 mRNA vaccine maker Moderna to track vaccine administration in real time through its various blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and hybrid cloud services. According to a company press release, the collaboration will “focus on exploring the utility of IBM capabilities in the U.S.,” such…

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