6 mins read

The Watchman Gives a Warning. Satan Soldiers Are Coming For Us: Australian Health Authorities (Satan Soldiers) Call For More COVID Boosters… But the Public Says No. Americans Are Next!

HNewsWire: Australia and New Zealand saw among of the harshest pandemic mandate conditions of any Western country, crossing the line into dictatorship on several occasions. The Australian authorities (Satan’s Soldiers) limited residents of larger cities to living close to their homes, with residents not permitted to travel more than three miles from their residences. Curfew hours were imposed between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. They were prohibited from entering public parks and beaches without a mask, despite the fact that it is practically impossible to spread a virus outside and UV light from the sun functions as a natural disinfectant. In the worst cases, Australian residents were visited by police and government officials (Satan’s troops) for expressing their opposition to the mandates on social media. Some were even arrested for calling for anti-lockdown protests. COVID camps were created in Australia and […]


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