8 mins read

Watchman Holds a Strong Belief That Caution Should Be Exercised When Dealing With Doctors, as Their Intentions May Not Always Be Trustworthy. COVID Misrepresentation

SRH: What has transpired since the spread of COVID at the hands of doctors—who are more appropriately referred to as “sorcerers and magicians”—has been precisely the same: “all the nations were led astray” and many people have been “killed on the earth” due to these medications. And here’s another verse in Revelation that uses this same phrase; it seems to have foretold the COVID hoax that killed so many people: Even after these disasters passed, the humans who survived continued to worship inanimate objects made of metal, stone, wood, and other non-living substances rather than repenting for their sins. Furthermore, they showed no remorse for their robberies, sexual immorality, murders, or magical abilities. Revelation 9:20–21 Warning: Americans Have a Prone Record of Disregarding the Law in the Interest of a Supreme Law or God-Granted Rights; Our Rights Are Not Granted […]


27 mins read

Watchman Warns Kill Shots: Perverse Incentives Include Up to $125 in Cash Bonuses per Vaccine Administered. Unsurprisingly, Bribed Doctors  Weren’t Motivated to Provide Enough Information on This Experimental Gene Therapy for Patients to Make an Informed Health Decision–Who’s Going To Jail?

Leaked Documents Reveal American Doctors Were Bribed And Financially Rewarded For Pushing The Covid Vaccine On Patients HNewsWire: “As a participating practice in the COVID-19 Provider Vaccine Incentive program, we recognize your hard work by offering incentives for helping patients make the choice to become vaccinated,” the document reads. American doctors and medical officials from the top-down were financially incentivized and bribed to get their patients to receive the Covid vaccines, according to newly leaked documents. Earlier this year it was already revealed that Moderna, the manufacturers of one of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, gifted $400 million to the National Institute of Health (NIH) for “a nonexclusive patent license agreement” allowing the company to use disputed technologies in its production of the COVID-19 vaccine; which was listed in the corporation’s earnings report, describing it as “catch-up payment” settled with the […]


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