4 mins read

Watchman: Daily Devotional,They Find Sin Pleasurable and Enjoyable, and No Wonder Paul Tells Us in 2 Corinthians 6:14 That as a True Believer Who Has Been Saved by Grace, You Must Not Unequally Yoke Yourself With an Unbeliever Due to the Bad Influence / Bill Gates,Musk and Co. RUN–Bad News

Below are the 11 characteristics of unbelievers that will help you differentiate true Christians from nonbelievers though they both go to church every Sunday. Live In Sin. Don’t Believe In The Gospel. Faithless. Hate The Truth. Fleshy In Nature. Religious. Graceless. Unsaved. Aren’t True Christians. Unholy. Don’t Want Anything To Do With Jesus Christ… If you yoke yourself with an unbeliever who has no interest in following after righteousness as a true believer who has believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s just a matter of time before you backslide and be like unbelievers as well.   They’ll Never Take Jesus Out Of My Heart Prayer: Lord, thank You for alerting us in Your Word to the tactics and activity of the devil. Thank You also for equipping us with spiritual weaponry to stand firm and push back against his […]


7 mins read

Watchman: Bill Gates Calls for Cows to Be Modified to Fight ‘Climate Change’. — HNW Calls for Bill Gates to Be Modified to Protect Christ Followers

HNewsWire: Bill Gates is yet again attempting to play god, this time he has yet again spoke of his plans to modify cows as part of a claimed effort to “fight climate change” by reducing the “methane emissions” from beef cattle. Gates made the call while speaking at the third edition of the French finance ministry’s “Rendez-vous de Bercy” event in Paris which is held every two years to address different issues related to the French, European, and world economies. Frank Bergman reported that it was during a panel discussion at the globalist event Gates complained that no country is moving fast enough to develop and innovate renewable energy solutions to tackle the alleged “climate crisis.” ‌Bergman continues the article below originally published in Slay News. The third edition of “Rendez-vous de Bercy” was devoted to environmental issues and economic growth […]


8 mins read

Watchman Sees Mass People Dropping Dead and Getting Disabled at a Rate That Is Beyond the General Population!” Tribulation in Play! You Can Thank Bill Gates. Google et al.

HNewsWire: This is all you need to know about the “unexplained” surge in sudden deaths: “If the sudden deaths we’re seeing were occurring in the unvaccinated, this would be on every news channel 24/7. But it’s not.” “The employed of our country are dropping dead and getting disabled at a rate that is beyond the general population. I blame the vaccines. If it’s not that, then what is it? And why aren’t we talking about it?” Healthy Young People Are Dying Suddenly and Unexpectedly From a Mysterious Syndrome, Could it be Pestilence By Kill Shots Watchman Sees Mass People Dropping Dead and Getting Disabled at a Rate That Is Beyond the General Population! “Tribulation in Play! You can thank Bill Gates. Google et al. Watchman Witnesses Mass Deaths and Disability at a Rate Higher Than the General Population! “Tribulation is […]


10 mins read

The FDA’s Ties To The Gates Foundation

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Authored by Maryanne Demasi via The Brownstone Institute, In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Under the MOU, the two entities agreed to share information to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures,” such as diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics to combat disease transmission during a pandemic. The FDA has MOUs with many academic and non-profit organisations, but few have as much to gain as Bill Gates, who has invested billions into pandemic countermeasures. Experts are concerned the Gates Foundation could have undue influence over the FDA’s regulatory decisions of these countermeasures. David Gortler, an ex-senior adviser to the FDA commissioner between 2019 and 2021, says he is “suspicious” of the MOU. “If the Gates Foundation establishes an MOU with a regulator on a […]


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