Watchman: The Federal Reserve Has Abruptly Terminated the Banking Bailout Program That Has Been Sustaining Institutions. Expect Banks To Start Collapsing in the Near Future

By SRH, The federal authorities seem to be on the verge of closing down the regional National Banks in order to usher in digital currency. Last Month U.S. Treasurer [grannie] Yellen assured the Senate that all is well and the financial system is “stable.” With minimal attention from the mainstream, the Federal Reserve terminated an emergency bailout program yesterday that was designed to assist banks and financial institutions during the aftermath of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse a year ago. Worried about the potential widespread contagion and bank runs following SVB’s downfall, the Federal Reserve established the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), offering more than $2 trillion in funds for banks to borrow in order to manage withdrawals and losses stemming from loans, bonds, derivatives, and other assets that had depreciated due to interest rate hikes causing significant unrealized…

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Watchman: When the AI Products  Burst, Which Could Occur Tomorrow, Next Week, Next Month, or Possibly Not Until the End of 2023 or the First Quarter of 2024, the Entire U.S. Financial System Will Collapse, Get Prepared and Pray for Safe Haven

HNewsWire: As previously stated, technological innovation is Satan’s chariot. We must maintain vigilance and know how to navigate among our brothers and sisters without exceeding the boundaries that God has established for us. The capabilities of artificial intelligence technology dwarf those of the human brain. It can be uploaded into robots to teach them tasks or provide them with information. How simple would it be for an already secular society to forget God if they had access to all knowledge through a complex meta verse? The following article describes how Wallace Henley, a columnist for the Christian Post, depicts our society as coexisting with super intelligence. Continue to be curious about the Bible and the world around you.To everyone in America reading this let me give you my advice after serving God as a disciple of Jesus for almost 40……...

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