A simple, but a very controversial, decision by  a Middle School Principal surprisingly improved the conditions for the students and even their GRADES !

December 5, 2023 The other very amazing part of the story is that his school is in the State of Minnesota.  In our opinion Minnesota has one of the most Radical, Liberal and Anti-American Democrat Governor and Administration IN AMERICA today. —————————- SUGGESTION : TO REMAIN ON THIS WEBSITE AFTER YOU HAVE UPLOADED ANY OF THE EMBEDDED ARTICLES OR VIDEOS AND COMPLETED YOUR REVIEW PLEASE USE YOUR BROWSER’S LEFT ARROW TO GET BACK TO THE ARTICLE TO REVIEW THE REST OF THE ARTICLE. —————————- Following is the article which will provide you with more specific details about this Middle School Principal’s successful story: Minnesota middle school bans student cellphones: ‘The kids seem happy’ | On Balance Dec 1, 2023 https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/minnesota-middle-school-bans-student-cellphones-%e2%80%98the-kids-seem-happy%e2%80%99-on-balance/9220268/ SURELY A ‘ WIN WIN’ END RESULTS FOR THE STUDENTS AND THE SCHOOL STAFF. CONGRATULATIONS PRINCIPAL PATRICK SMITH FOR CARING…

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The Watchman Says These Ungodly Atheists Should Be Enraged Because Our Kids Deserve Bibles and God in Their Lives, and the True Believers Will Make Sure of That—Atheists Can Go to Hell Or I Should Say Will Go To Hell!

HNewsWire: According to the San Antonio Express-News, nearly 100 people gathered outside city hall to voice their concerns and objections. However, the majority did not attend the meeting. According to Reason.com, members of Satanic temples do not worship Satan but rather follow seven rules about compassion, freedom, and other such things.In San Marcos, Texas, an acolyte of Satan delivered the “invocation” at the start of a city council meeting, demanding freedom from “arcane doctrines” and proclaiming “Hail Satan.”According to Citizens Defending Freedom, a grassroots organization, Lanzifer Eligos Longinus, who describes himself as a satanist, was allowed to speak to the San Marcos council in Hays County. On the other hand,A story about a debate over prayer and the Holy Bible comes from Prescott, Arkansas. In the cafeteria, preschoolers were seen praying over their food with teachers.In addition, fifth and sixth……...

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