19 mins read

Watchman’s Warning: If You Trust in the Technology, You Risk Losing Everything as a Reward for Your Faith in Big Tech Google Not!

HNewsWire: by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News The technology that America’s infrastructure is now hopelessly dependent upon continues to fail, as it was reported this week that one of the most popular FinTech (Financial Technology) apps, which are supposed to “reinvent” banking by getting rid of such pesky nuisances such as over-draft charges, having to wait until your paycheck clears before having access to funds, and many other wonderful Big Tech promises that have convinced swindled tens of millions of people to open accounts on these FinTech apps, has left millions of customers today without access to their funds on deposit. The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money A dispute between a fintech startup and its banking partners has ensnared potentially millions of Americans, leaving them without access […]


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