7 mins read

Watchman: The Church of England Blesses Same-Sex Couples,You Can’t Take the Church of England Seriously Any More; It Doesn’t Even Take Itself Seriously. That’s Why the Pews Are Empty. So It Is Written: Be Fruitful and Multiply. Two Female Roommates Produce Nothing. This Is Their Selfish Will. Not God’s Will!

So It Is Written: Be Fruitful and Multiply. 2 Female Roommates Produce Nothing. This Is Their Selfish Will. Not God’s Will…Oh Look It’s Two Lesbians That Can’t Multiply .The Commercial Churches Including the Church of England Has Gone to Hell! HNewsWire: For the first time, Church of England priests approved same-sex relationships on Sunday. However, because of deep-rooted differences in global Anglicanism about marriage and sexuality, church marriages for Homosexual couples are still prohibited. In one of the earliest ceremonies, the Rev. Catherine Bond and the Rev. Jane Pearce, who are both associate priests, had their union blessed at St. John the Baptist Church in Felixstowe, eastern England. Canon “Thanks for Catherine and Jane, to the love and friendship they share, and to their commitment to one another as they come before you on this day,” said Andrew Dotchin, holding […]


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