13 mins read

California Bill Passed Allowing Children 12 And Up To Receive A Vaccine Without Parental Consent.

A California measure that would enable adolescents to receive any vaccination without parental consent passed the state Senate on May 12 by a vote of 21–7 and is now on its way to the state Assembly. Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) introduced Senate Bill (SB) 866, which would allow kids aged 12 and above to obtain a vaccination that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration without parental consent. Sen. Sydney Kamalger (D-Los Angeles) noted that parents want to have control over their children’s lives, but she said that some parents do not have their children’s best interests at heart and neglect or mistreat them. Prior to voting in support of the bill, she stated, “There are those who are not looking out for the well-being of the children in their life.” In opposition to the bill, Sen. […]


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