28 mins read

ALERT: Parents and Guardians of America you cannot wait until the next Elections – Do not let this continue to happen to your children and families in America.

Dinesh Kaushiva October 26, 2023 As a starter since 2021 we are still waiting from The Democrat Party, their controlled Federal Medical Agencies and The U.S. Department of Defense to provide a list of all the very different varieties of over two dozen COVID-19 Manufacturers of their Spike Protein Experiment Untested COVID-19 Bio-Weapon Injections aka Vaccines and a detailed Disclosure of Contents of each of those vials, their Properties, Potency and list of manufacturer’s potential Adverse Effects associated by each Vial of every Batch. Since the above mentioned responsible parties have failed to provide the Scientific Research and Trial Data to the Independent American and World Wide Scientist to also perform their own tests in the absence of HHS, NIH, NIAID, FDA and CDC PEER CLINICAL TRAILS DATA AND ALSO THEIR LIMITED HUMAN TRAIL DATA as required by all THE […]


4 mins read

Now a Japanese Clinic’s Research Study has confirmed that The Spike Protein COVID-19 Variants were created in a Lab

Dinesh Kaushiva October 14, 2023 “All Covid Variants Were Engineered in BioLabs And while health officials would argue that returning to pandemic tyranny may be unavoidable, a recent Japanese study suggests that it may be part of a sinister plan. The study found that all previous variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, were not naturally occurring but were, in fact, made in a laboratory. Presumably, the latest EG.5.1 and BA.X variants were also engineered in a lab, according to the study. The study was led by renowned Japanese Professors Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University”   COVID – All Covid Variants Were Engineered in BioLabs https://www.reddit.com/r/trump/comments/173u0g1/all_covid_variants_were_engineered_in_biolabs/ AMERICAN AND WORLD WIDE SCIENTISTS HAVE DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE THAT DEMOCRAT PARTY’  EXPERIMENTAL AND UNTESTED SPIKE PROTEIN COVID-19 PATHOGENIC INJECTIONS aka VACCINES HAVE CAUSED MORE DEATHS THAN […]


19 mins read

These Corrupt Politicians Will Literally Tear Each Other Apart. Biden Got It All Wrong During SOTU–Satan Soldier Demonic Biden Heckled, Booed by Republicans During SOTU

HNewsWire: Satan Soldier Biden Heckled, Booed By Republicans During SOTU Recognizing Demonic Affliction At 80 years old, and One of Satan Older Solder, Biden is the oldest Fake Wanna-be  president to offer a State of the Union speech, and it showed. Satan Soldier Biden referred to Tyre Nichols as “Tyler” while discussing police enforcement and his death in Memphis. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was referred to as the Senate’s “minority” leader by Biden. Biden said he had succeeded in pushing illegal immigration “down” at his State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, in a somewhat shocking remark. Republicans heckled Biden again when he called on Congress to establish a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants as well as border security funding, causing Democrats to cry “order!” According to The Daily Caller, the president’s remarks come on the heels of a […]


6 mins read

It Appears Our Legal System Has Been Compromised, When District Attorneys/Judges

and Officers of the Court Become Corrupt It Signals America Is Dying From the Inside Out… According to The Baltimore Sun, the IRS has filed a lien against Baltimore City’s top prosecutor for years of unpaid taxes.  Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and husband Nick Mosby – Democratic nominee for City Council president – were slapped with a $45,000 lien via the IRS for three years of unpaid taxes. The lien showed the Mosbys owe $23,000 for 2014, more than $19,000 for 2015, and about $3,000 for 2016. The Mosbys released a statement to members of the press from their respective offices that read:  “I have been in ongoing conversations with the IRS for five years about the tax consequences of an early withdrawal from my retirement savings plan, which I did to support unplanned expenses after a series of […]


9 mins read


Corruption is a state of decay, pollution, or incorrectness. In the Bible, corruption is one of the effects of sin that resulted from the fall of man… There are three accounts in the Gospels in which Jesus states that a kingdom divided against itself is laid waste or a house divided cannot stand (Luke 11:17;  Jesus’ argument to the Pharisees was logical: a kingdom that is at cross-purposes with itself will fall. Any household riven by infighting will tear itself apart. Jesus was obviously casting demons out of people. If Jesus was in league with Satan, or if Satan was somehow working through Jesus, it is unlikely that exorcisms would be a priority, because why would Satan cast himself out? Satan has more practical wisdom than to allow his demonic underlings to group themselves into warring factions… Birth Pangs Jesus […]


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