Watchman: The Likelihood of Trump Serving Time in Prison Is Roughly the Same as the Likelihood of Him or Another Republican Winning the 2024 Presidential Election

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Sunday, Jun 18, 2023 – 09:30 AM Authored by Jonathan Turley, Below is my column in the Messenger on the odds of Trump going to jail (as opposed to being convicted) and an interesting option for President Joe Biden: pledge to commute Trump’s sentence.                                             Here is the column: “Can you give me the odds?” The question from a foreign correspondent this week was blunt but understandable. Legal analysts often are asked to give the percentages on a case’s outcome or conviction. This reporter wanted the odds on Trump being convicted. As in the past, I declined to offer a spread. For most of us, convictions are what gamblers call “off the board” bets; handicapping criminal cases can be not just untoward but unwise. In truth, the reporter asked the wrong question if he was trying…


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Satan Soldier – Big Mouth Chris Christie Tells Fake News CNN Trump Should Accept

Be gentle with your skin. Our soaps are kind to your skin and create a creamy, silky lather that is nourishing. Small batches are made by hand. We only use the best natural ingredients. There are no chemicals, phthalates, parabens, sodium laurel sulfate, or detergents. GraniteRidgeSoapworks Use the code HNEWS10 to receive 10% off your first purchase. Defeat, I Believe the Fat Man Has Already Accepted Defeat ‘He is Fat’ — No-One Should Take Advice From Someone Who Can’t Control Their Weight, Much Less Their Big Mouth… Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” that it was time for Republican lawmakers to accept President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election and not try to “disturb the certification of the Electoral College.” Cuomo said, “What do you say to members of your party who are…


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Satan Soldier Master Liar Trump Gets Briefly Booed By Supporters After Pushing Kill Shot COVID Vaccine — Remember Trump Owns COVID mRNA Kill Shots Warp Speed…

Adams, Jerome: This tweet shows how much of a clown car show POTUS Trump has around him; this guy was foolish, clueless, and moronic as Trump’s Surgeon General, and he still is stupid, making Murthy blush.If you can make SG Murthy blush, you must be quite foolish, according to this goofball, who compares the bogus COVID mRNA Kill Shots technology doses to Tylenol and ibuprofen. It should be evident by now that Trump intends to win the upcoming presidential election and get his supporters to queue up for MRNA kill shot vaccines. Trump has no idea, and it’s clear that the individuals he had surrounding him in the White House prior were nothing more than Satanic warriors clothed in false white robes. This individual, I’m talking about Trump, is dangerous. Medical freedom has become a force to reckon with, so much…


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Satan Soldiers Doubling Down in Their Effort to Remove a Duly Elected

President of the United States , We Now Know They Have Judges That Are Bought and Paid for, Compliments of George Soros and His Foot Soldiers Elect… Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said there is “still a coup in progress” against President Donald Trump in his first public address since being pardoned by the president. Flynn, who also served during the Obama administration as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and then as Trump’s national security adviser, warned Americans on Saturday that there is currently an “assault” on our way of life that has been going on since the beginning of Trump’s presidency. “They’ve upped their game,” Flynn said of certain figures in the Democratic Party, which he said was so “in name only” since its shift “way over on the left.” “When they lost in 2016, I think that there was a decision to…


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We Do Not Have to Look Far to Find Satan Soldiers

Big Tech & CIA Steal Us Election From Trump… Attorney working for President Donald Trump, Sidney Powell and Congressman Louis Gohmert claim that the US military has seized CIA servers located in Germany which were allegedly used to ‘steal’ the 2020 US Presidential Election from Donald Trump. Science and technology in the service of corrupt governments is nothing new according to Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT polymath and patent owner for the invention of the internet. Among many analysts, Dr Shiva asserts that US elections have been criminally manipulated by powerful people using Big Tech for about 20 years. On top of that are claims that fears of the spread of COVID19 are connected to the plan as a means to better enable mass illegal misuse of mail in ballots. It appears Dr Shiva, among others, may be correct in the assessment that bad actors…


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Satan Soldiers Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump

So He Doesn’t “Declassify Everything”… Days ago amid the Trump administration’s election challenge turmoil which has resulted in over a dozen lawsuits filed in several battleground states, Donald Trump Jr. urged the president to unleash the nuclear option: “DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING!!!” he wrote in all caps on Twitter. “We can’t let the bad actors get away with it.” Others also picked up on the idea: “Here’s something constructive Trump could do before leaving office at noon on January 20: he could order — demand, insist — that all classified intel and other documents related to the origin of the Russia/election investigation be declassified and released to the public forthwith — unredacted,” columnist Sheldon Richman wrote. It didn’t take long for this distinct possibility to attract the attention of both the mainstream media and the intelligence establishment which has so long been at odds (or even at ‘war’) with…


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