12 mins read

“Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – More Mass Deaths From Covid Kill Shots Still to Come!”

December 29, 2023 Dr. Sherri Tenpenny  is a Medical Doctor/ Osteopathic # Medicine Practitioner since 1996 had declared in June of 2021 that any “Doctor who gives a FLU or COVID-19 Shots are actually committing Murder”. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has been practicing Medicine since 1996 in Ohio and has been posting her Scientific Research Documentation and Evidence that caused her to become an enemy of andThe Democrat Party and Republican Party Elites all of their controlled Agencies who allegedly are the extension of the Big Pharma as soon she started exposing the deadly dangers of the “FLU and COVID-19 INJECTIONS.” In her interview’s video with ZEE Media she presents her experiences with the Ohio’s Republican Party Administration’s lawless wrath to appease their Medical and Political Establishment to shut her down from keep telling the truth about the “FLU and COVID-19 […]


5 mins read


December 21, 2023 THIS IS NOT A MEDICAL ADVICE BUT THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED FOR EVERY PERSON TO REVIEW IT, DO THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE  AND MAKE THEIR OWN DECISIONS AFTER THE CONSULTATION WITH THEIR OWN DOCTORS. Dr. Peterson Pierre Provides a Warning About Shots for Kids That You Won’t Hear From Most Pediatricians By Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute • Dec. 20, 2023 https://thelibertydaily.com/dr-peterson-pierre-provides-warning-about-shots-kids/ The following chart shows that Democrat Party’s and their Controlled Agencies have failed the American Citizens by their COVID-19 Mandates and SPIKE PROTEIN EXPERIMENT UNTESTED COVID-19 ‘BIO-WEAPON’ INJECTIONS BEING PROCLAIMED AS VACCINES AND BOOSTERS. The above chart was compiled by Dinesh Kaushiva with the data from the following World COVID-19 Website. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Despite the fact that America ‘s COVID-19  data of INFECTIONS AND DEATHS are allegedly corrupted and in actually are much higher that shown […]


30 mins read

The Polish Government was exposed and accused for committing GENOCIDE  AND DEPOPULATION on their own CITIZENS, Is the American Government any different?

December 17, 2023 “On 1 October 2022, Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak served notice on ten Polish government officials including the Prosecutor General, Poland’s President and the President of the Council of Ministers. She has also published it as an open letter to all Polish citizens.  By doing so, she has notified government officials of an attempted crime to legalize crimes of genocide against Polish citizens.  The attempt is being made through a draft law should it be passed by parliament. “…… ——————————-   ISN’T THAT VERY SIMILAR TO WHAT THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S POLICIES AND LEGISLATION CALLED ‘CARES ACT ‘ (1) and (2) , AND DEMOCRAT PARTY CONTROLLED MEDICAL AGENCIES ACTIONS REGARDING THEIR COVID-19 VACCINE MANDATES AND THEIR VERY STRICT DICTATED USE OF ONLY ONE DRUG CALLED REMDESIVIR AND VENTILATORS TREATMENT FOR THE COVID-19 PATIENTS IN AMERICA. SIMULTANEOUSLY, THEIR DICTATE DIRECTIVE TO […]


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