Sometimes The Very  ‘SLIP OF THE TONGUE’ Moments Of the Officials ‘The Truth’ is Revealed – While They Were Patting Themselves On The Back.

November 25 , 2023 The very truth which they have been hiding and still denying it from the PUBLIC is their CORNER STONE OF THEIR ONE WORLD ORDER, CONTROL, TRANS-HUMANISM AND DEPOPULATION AGENDA.                                                                          “ The fact what the World Wide Practicing Physicians and Scientists have been reporting  that The Experiment Untested Spike Protein COVID-19 Bio-Weapon Injections are Gene-Therapy Products and not Vaccines was confirmed by an Bayer Companies Executive during his speech at the World Health Organization Event. The 40-second clip shows a man identified as Stefan Oelrich saying: “We’re really taking that leap, us as a company, Bayer, in cell or gene therapy which to me is one of these examples where really we’re going to make a difference hopefully moving forward. Ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell or gene therapy.” The very truth which…


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Dinesh Kaushiva July 20 , 2023 Ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 PLAN-demic there has been a controversy between the World Wide Scientists and Medical Researchers that the Democrat Party’s Spike Protein COVID-19 Injections aka VACCINES were not only ineffective they were not safe while all the Government Leaders and Administrators and Their owned Social Media maintaining to this day that their Spike Protein COVID-19 Injections aka VACCINES were safe. While this dispute is continuing Millions upon Millions individuals have died and untold number are suffering immensely since they were mandated to take the Spike Protein COVID-19 Injections aka VACCINES . There have been hundreds of reports of Adverse Effects and Health Hazards inflicted on the VICTIMS of the Spike Protein COVID-19 Injections aka VACCINES . Now recently very disturbing revelations are being reported by Medical Investigative Reporters that…


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