1 min read

Watchman: We Are in the Midst of the Biggest and Darkest Scandal in American History, but the Elite Media Will Not Connect the Dots and Investigate It. Therefore HNewsWire Will Give You the Facts

HNewsWire: COVID-19, a disease that no one argues originated in Wuhan, China, has killed over 1.1 million Americans and 6.8 million people globally. It has left millions of others with long-term health issues. Children who were essentially unaffected by COVID-19 have lost at least a year of education as a result of teachers’ unions and completely incorrect, damaging public health policies. Because of their forced solitude and lack of social contact, many children suffer from depression and other mental health issues. That’s either a line from a Violent Femmes song or the government telling the American people about COVID-19 and the press repeating it without inquiry. The word “lying” appears at least 45 times in the song, qualifying the Femmes for a position in the legacy media. So-called journalists relayed whatever that government shills told them while censoring or undermining…...

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