1 min read

Watchman: It’s an Unhinged Scumbag Who Snitches on Mr. Little. Jan. 6 Case. Choose Your Friends Carefully. Thomas Jefferson Once Said, “Rebellion Becomes Duty When Tyranny Becomes Law.” MAGA Trump Isn’t Present

SRH: What should the punishment be for assuming office under false pretenses, failing to honor their oaths, construing the U.S. Constitution in a way that Mao would, and overall ruining the country? Biden Admin Tells Supreme Court That 2nd Amendment Doesn’t Apply to Domestic Abusers HNewsWire: Jail some Judges,Some politicians Things might change… They ought to all be free. It was planned from the beginning. It’s horrible how these Americans are being handled. I no longer recognize our nation. The satisfaction many felt after reporting their acquaintances to the FBI It is shocking, much like Germany under Hitler. Prison or not. Or not on probation Patriots are released on January 6. They are open-minded, in contrast to uneducated Democrats who believe that Biden, not Obama and his cronies, is in charge of the country and that Trump lost the election,…...

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