8 mins read

Man Made Pestilence Has Arrived: Evidence is Emerging to Suggest That The Delta Covid

Variant Poses a Very Real Threat, Patients Who Have Already Been Fully Vaccinated… When are the mask wearing, side skipping, empty headed, doubled-jabbed dead eyed zombies/Politicians realize,wish that none of this will ever end. They’re living the new normal promised to us by Klaus `Anal’ Schwab, Bill Gates and Prince Charles – who, incidentally, behaves more and more like the yappy little dog he sounds as if he should be. A Prince Charles Spaniel, perhaps. It’s a new normal managed and controlled by some of the worst people (Politicians) the world has ever seen. Right from March 2020 I have believed that Fauci, in the United States, and Whitty in the UK have been operating not on behalf of the people they are paid to care for but by the cabal now intent on the sort of world domination previously […]


6 mins read

Satan Soldiers Are Holding Back Important Information — The Delta COVID Variant Just Peak

Though the comment received little more than a headline from the newswires, the White House acknowledged earlier on Wednesday that it has started to see COVID cases leveling off in the hardest-hit states. WHITE HOUSE SAYS U.S. HAS STARTED TO SEE SOME LEVELING OFF OF COVID-19 INFECTIONS IN STATES SEEING SURGE To be sure, the drop in cases, which typically portends a decline in hospitalizations and deaths, has arrived just in the nick of time for some hospital systems in Florida and Texas, which have reported seeing a surge in beds occupied by COVID patients. Still, South Carolina recorded the fourth straight daily decline in new cases, while Florida saw cases decline again after the CDC “adjusted” a supposedly “record-breaking” daily tally which was actually an aggregation of the tally (eventually, the number listed was only 50% of the original figure). […]


10 mins read

Satan Soldier Dr. Fauci Is Back Lying Again With His “Panic Porn Dressed Up As Science” Exposing The Truth About

The Delta Variant… The fatuously named Warp Speed, “Trump program” rocketed ahead—all based on pretentious and speculative “science.” Trump Has blood On His Hands Equity futures are in the red Wednesday morning as Dr. Anthony Fauci’s warnings about the supposedly “dire threat” posed by the Delta variant continue to be dramatically amplified by the American media. Yesterday, we delved into the issue of the Delta variant as daily COVID cases reported in the US ticked higher after touching their lowest levels since the start of the pandemic. The data set off another round of warnings about the relatively large swath of Americans who refuse to get the vaccine. On Wednesday, Bloomberg published the latest in a series of stories effectively re-stating the same facts: the vaccination rate in a handful of deep-red states has substantially lagged the rate in the rest of the country. The […]


5 mins read

Satan Soldier Biden Set To Miss Vaccine Goal As Plandemic”Delta” Strain Spreads Across Southern US

Joe Biden and his advisors are preparing to acknowledge that the US won’t meet his goal of having 70% of American adults receive at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine before July 4. As we reported earlier this week, the US has surpassed 150MM “fully vaccinated” patients. However, the pace of vaccinations has fallen substantially. The CDC released a report yesterday arguing that it’s particularly important to reduce “vaccine hesitancy” in 18 to 39-year-olds, who are among the demographics least likely to take the vaccine. Polling by the Kaiser Family Foundation has found that about 13% of Americans are planning to avoid the vaccine no matter what, while another 12% saying they are waiting before making a decision. The US is missing this goal not for lack of supplies: rather, it’s the demand side of the equation that’s creating problems for Biden, […]


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