8 mins read

Watchman Holds a Strong Belief That Caution Should Be Exercised When Dealing With Doctors, as Their Intentions May Not Always Be Trustworthy. COVID Misrepresentation

SRH: What has transpired since the spread of COVID at the hands of doctors—who are more appropriately referred to as “sorcerers and magicians”—has been precisely the same: “all the nations were led astray” and many people have been “killed on the earth” due to these medications. And here’s another verse in Revelation that uses this same phrase; it seems to have foretold the COVID hoax that killed so many people: Even after these disasters passed, the humans who survived continued to worship inanimate objects made of metal, stone, wood, and other non-living substances rather than repenting for their sins. Furthermore, they showed no remorse for their robberies, sexual immorality, murders, or magical abilities. Revelation 9:20–21 Warning: Americans Have a Prone Record of Disregarding the Law in the Interest of a Supreme Law or God-Granted Rights; Our Rights Are Not Granted […]


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