Before SHTF, Let’s Revisit Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book

When men know the truth and refuse to receive it, when they refuse to obey it and hold it in unrighteousness, “they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:12 NLT). With the Saturday arrest of Jeffrey Epstein – who is reportedly offering to name elite pedophiles in exchange for leniency, a leaked copy of the billionaire sex predator’s “little black book” may provide some insight into some very rich individuals who should be nervous right about now.  The book was smuggled out of Epstein’s residence by his former house manager, Alfredo Rodriguez, who was busted trying to sell it in 2009 for $50,000 – only to get caught, charged with obstruction of justice, and die in prison after 18 months from a ‘long illness.’  According to an FBI affidavit, Rodriguez described the address book and the information contained within…

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Federal Prosecutors on Monday Said Elites Wealthy Financier Jeffrey Epstein Is a “Serial Sexual Predator

Sexual sin is one of the most difficult to overcome in the modern world. Imagine a culture where every street corner, TV ad, and the movie was saturated in cocaine, heroin, and other drugs. A world where seemingly everyone at work was casual—even bragging—about their use of these drugs. Imagine a culture where using these substances was not only considered normal, but those who choose not to participate are treated as oddballs. Sadly, especially in the West, this is the attitude taken towards sex. It is a pervasive, invasive, intrusive part of the culture. Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in Cambridge, MA on 9/8/04. Epstein is connected with several prominent people including politicians, actors, and academics. The new focus on Epstein and his life come amidst civil lawsuits and calls from US lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Thursday questioned why the Department…

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