13 mins read

Watchman The End of Free Speech and Expression: The EU Signs a Law to ‘Police’ the Entire Internet and Take Down Websites With Unapproved Speech

What BS…we’re bringing our European values into the digital world. With strict rules on transparency and accountability, our Digital Services Act aims to protect our children, societies and democracies. As of today, very large online platforms must apply the new law. HNewsWire: There Is a Constant Effort by the Globalists, A.K.a. Satan Soldiers, to Destroy the Foundation of America and Governments Around the Globe With One Goal: To Destroy and Control Mankind. HNewsWire: Special Counsel John Durham released his final report on Monday following over three years of investigation into the FBI’s handling of the Trump-Russia probe. According to Just the News, the report concludes that the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it opened up an investigation into Donald Trump and his campaign in the summer of 2016. Durham placed blame on the FBI and DOJ for […]


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