Watchman: Sold Out “All-American” Businesses That Are Currently Mainly in International Ownership, Our Enemy China has a Big Foot Print

By SRH, There are many well-known enterprises that are considered typically American. These firms provided some of the best services and products the world has ever seen, putting the United States on the map. However, the world is full of unexpected developments and it appears that these all-American firms are no longer so American. But Mostly China. Vaseline Everyone loves Vaseline, right? This petroleum jelly has so many uses, from curbing your cracked lips to greasing the hinges on your doors. And while many people have been proud to call this company all-American, it seems as though times have changed over the years. Sure, it was founded by American Robert Augustus Chesebrough in 1859, but the company is no longer in American hands at all. Instead, it belongs to the British. Reddit The company was bought by British multinational consumer goods company…

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