1 min read

Watchman: Satan Soldier Soros Agenda Is Death and Destruction in the Name of Open Borders and the Abolition of Western Civilization–Alex Soros Vows To Eradicate Conservatives From the Internet

HNewsWire: Alex Soros has threatened to censor conservatives and independent journalists on the internet “100 times more aggressively” than his father, George Soros. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Alex laid out his despotic vision for the future of the internet in the aftermath of news that far-left billionaire George Soros handed full control of his $25 billion empire to his son. “I’m way more political,” Alex Soros said, referring to his radical father. “As much as I would like to get out of politics,” he admitted, “as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it as well.” According to Slaynews.com, Soros-funded political action committees have become a major factor in American elections. Political action committees funded by Soros have become a major factor in American elections. In recent U.S. elections, George…...

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