Watchman: Daily Devotional, There Is Only One Door Through Which We Can Escape God’s Judgment. (John 10) There Is No Other Provision Made for Escaping the Wrath of God That Was to Come Upon the Earth

Daily Devotional: The ark represents Christ. Judgment was about to end the agony that man was causing on himself, but God was going to find a way to save some from it. On the ark, there is only one door (v. 16), just as there is only one entrance by which we can escape God’s punishment. (John 10) There is no other way to avoid God’s wrath that is about to fall on the planet. The only way to look on the ark was up. The window was at the very top of the building. In Christ, we have an upward vision on the world. “Then the LORD shut him in,” after Noah, his family, and the animals had entered. Gen. 7:16b With His Spirit, the Lord Himself seals us into the new life. He confirms his promise (covenant) with…

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