3 mins read

Watchman: Unlike in the Days of the Old Covenant, When Ezekiel and Jeremiah Were Sent Out by the Lord To Warn the “House of Israel,” Modern-Day “Watchmen” Are Not Being Summoned in the Same Way

SRH, Unlike in the days of the Old Covenant, when Ezekiel and Jeremiah were sent out by the Lord to warn the “House of Israel,” modern-day “watchmen” are not being summoned in the same way. No, modern-day watchmen are being summoned to sound the alarm about the “Household of God,” the vast majority of whom are actually corporate church members, Freemasons, and fake believers. Warning:Totalitarianism is the warm bath where people cut off their hands. It surrounds people with silly rules, strange beliefs, immoral tasks, and sacrifices that they have to make. It lies to its victims about the government’s love, which makes them feel good. The citizen is stripped of everything he once called his own, starting with his free will and ending with the thoughts that were going through his mind. It slowly took away each person’s identity […]


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