Most Of Gen-Z Not Connected To Any Religious Community, Preferring Making Their Own Spiritual Path.

Studies show that the Gen-Z youth is experiencing sensory overload in light of world events; Causing them to build their own spiritual path. Often leading to new age spirituality, the kids don’t even understand that it’s anything but “new”. Undoubtedly, there is a movement under the surface influencing the youth to steer toward new age spirituality and away from Christianity. A new study investigating the disconnect between young people and traditional religious institutions in times of uncertainty has shown that most Gen Z or people aged 13 to 25 have no links to any specific religious community and are instead creating self-driven pathways of faith for themselves using both religious and non-religious sources. The study looked at the reasons why members of Gen Z would opt for what the researchers called “Faith Unbundled” and what solutions can be put forth…

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