6 mins read

Watchman: Governments Do Nothing to Stop a Demonic Unhinged Psychopath; People Are Dying Due to Bill Gates’ Release of “Gene-Edited Mosquitos” Tribulation In Play

Watchman: Bill Gates Calls for Cows to Be Modified to Fight ‘Climate Change’. — HNW Calls for Bill Gates to Be Modified to Protect Christ Followers “Like all perversions of the truth, true Godly liberty is the casualty. In the end they that preach these perversions are all anathema as Paul said in Gal.1:8,9.” By SRH, Watchman: Bill Gates’s release of “Gene-Edited Mosquitos” is killing people; governments are doing nothing to stop this demonically insane psychopath. Brazil is experiencing a fatal viral outbreak as a result of the unleashing of millions of “gene-edited mosquitoes” into the environment. Dengue fever cases have increased 400% so far this year. Over 364,000 instances of dengue infection have been documented in the first five weeks of 2024 alone, according to Brazil’s health ministry. The statistic is startling—it is four times more than the total […]


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