5 mins read

Watchman Says She’s a Demonic Trans Activists, Actress Jamie Lee Curtis Attacked GOD Fearing Christian’s in a Recent Speech, Accusing Them of “Championing” Homophobia and Transphobia in the “Name of Religion,” Adding That They Must Be “Exposed and Silenced”

SRH: Once the truth is shut down, this country will fall into complete darkness.  HNewsWire: Recently, actress Jamie Lee Curtis gave a speech in which she criticized conservative Christians. She said that they were “championing” homophobia and transphobia in the “name of religion” and that they needed to be “exposed and silenced.” “These are very dangerous times, and I’m very happy to be in a room with people who are fighting the best fight they can fight,” Curtis told the crowd at the Out100 Celebration. According to Fox News, the event was a red carpet honor for Out magazine’s 100 LGBTQ trailblazers. For some reason, the Halloween star then said that she “prays” that religious people who have different views than her are “exposed and silenced.” SRH: Once the truth is shut down, this country will fall into Complete darkness. […]


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