7 mins read

LA Unified School District Delays Their COVID Vaccine Mandate For Students To Jul 1st.

For the second time in 2022, the Los Angeles school board has postponed the implementation of a COVID-19 vaccination mandate for children. The school board first indicated that a vaccination requirement will be implemented for all Los Angeles kids in January 2022, but it was then postponed until the start of the 2022–2023 school year. However, following a recommendation by Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, the Los Angeles Board of Education overwhelmingly passed a bill delaying the mandate on Tuesday, according to a news release from the Los Angeles Unified School District. According to the ordinance, the vaccination regulation will be deferred until at least July 1, 2023. The Los Angeles Times reported Carvalho as stating, “This was the correct approach at the right moment, totally validated by science.” He made his advice because of the high immunization rate among older pupils, […]


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