15 mins read

Google’s Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai Has Issued a Warning to Employees, Stating That the Company Is Not “Immune to Economic Headwinds.” HNewsWire: The Latest News When You Tell Lies About the Truth, the Trouble With Google Has Only Just Started

HNewsWire: Now, CEO Sundar Pichai has sent an alert to staff, asking for suggestions to improve efficiency and productivity but also warning of an economy that does not seem to be improving anytime soon. According to CNBC, this call to action came during Alphabet’s “all-hands” meeting of 170,000-plus full-time employees on Wednesday, when Pichai announced “Simplicity Sprint,” an initiative to “remove speed bumps,” “eliminate waste,” and develop products at a faster pace, based on an internal survey seen by the news outlet. “It is evident that we are facing a hard macro climate with more uncertainty ahead,” Pichai warned staff, urging them to participate in a poll by Aug. 15. “There are legitimate worries that our overall productivity is not where it needs to be given the numbers we have.” According to The Verge, Pichai’s remarks follow a message last […]


6 mins read

Watchman: Google Provided Us With a Fake Doctor Bill Gates. Continues to Misinform People About the Virus That Killed Millions.May God Totally Destroy Google

HNewsWire: by Tyler Durden Friday, Jan 19, 2024 – 12:05 PM The illusion of a booming labor market may not last for much longer. At least if Google is any barometer, that it. The tech giant has joined a long list of names that has informed its employees that layoffs are on their way, according to a new report from The Verge. Following “thousands” of layoffs the company has already made, CEO Sundar Pichai sent out a message to employees this week that additional layoffs would be on their way. He wrote in an internal Google memo on Wednesday: “We have ambitious goals and will be investing in our big priorities this year.” “The reality is that to create the capacity for this investment, we have to make tough choices,” he continued. Referencing the 12,000 layoffs the company made in […]


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