7 mins read

Watchman: The Feeble-Minded, Delusional Hypochondriacs—I Mean, So-Called “Public Health Experts”—Are Futilely Attempting to Maintain Their Sanity, as Their Hair Slowly Falls Out in Despair. Ah, First COVID, and Now This. Politico Quoted Those Pathetic Lock-down-Worshipping Maskaholics. Dr. Lawrence Gostin, the So-Called “Expert” in Public Health and Law. What a Pathetic Excuse for a Human Being

HNewWire: Massive government overreach and a particularly heinous type of mass delusion that its psy-experts purposefully disseminated under the pretext of so-called “public health programming” No, according to Politico, when the judge in Missouri v. Biden shut down the federal government’s censoring machine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and dark GOP forces erupted. But Politico’s terrible news, portrayed in the most somber and gloomy tone that a dumb magazine can conjure, is our good news. What Politico regards as ‘horrifying’ trends, we regard as accomplishments. In the words of Politico (modified slightly for clarity): For decades, being publicly skeptical of vaccines made one a pariah in all but the smallest political groups. Put yourself on the outside, looking in, to cast suspicion on them. However, public health experts feel that those days are numbered. As another COVID immunization campaign begins, fewer […]


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