25 mins read

Robert de Niro: Trump a ‘Nasty Little Bitch’ and His Supporters Are Crazy

To get my political opinions, I go to all the top experts… Robert DeNiro, Matt Damon, Bruce Willis, Brie Larson, Alec Baldwin, Tim Allen, Angelina Jolie, James Woods, Chris Evans, and George Clooney. Sometimes these experts have conflicting opinions on political matters like maybe Bruce Willis and Alec Baldwin disagree on tax policy, or Tim Allen and Chris Evans have opposing thoughts on immigration. In order to resolve these deeply troubling quagmires, I do the logical thing and choose what I believe by siding with the celebrity who has the most Twitter followers. Also, I Love Hellywood, Hollywood Whores, Satanism, and Witchcraft… De Niro had his hopes crushed this year by special counsel Robert Mueller after he cleared President Trump of criminally conspiring with Russia during the 2016 election. The actor previously predicted that Mueller, who he portrayed on Saturday Night Live, could […]


9 mins read

Netflix Cartoon Pushes Pedophilia, Sexualizes Kids, Demonic Hollywood Trash

Netflix goes all-in for pedophilia with new “Dancing Queen” series that glorifies the sexualization of children The Bible says that children are a blessing from God (Psalm 127:3). They are in need of instruction (Proverbs 8:32–33) and are quite able to learn. Timothy was a student of the Word at a very young age. He knew the Holy Scriptures “from infancy” (2 Timothy 3:15), having been taught by his godly mother and grandmother (2 Timothy 1:5). A disgusting cartoon on Netflix, which critics have slammed as “animated kiddie porn,” features two obviously demonic characters teaching pre-pubescent children to engage in perverse sexual and homosexual activity of all kinds. The show, called “Big Mouth,” is filthier and more obscene than even the most seasoned observers of America’s rapid cultural and moral implosion could possibly imagine. It is pure evil.  Observers have estimated the age of […]


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